• 李嘉诚向澳洲癌症实验捐款325万美元

    18-11-27 The founder of Chinas Hong Kong-based industry conglomerate CK Hutchison Holdings, Li Ka-shing, has donated 4.5 million Australian dollars (3.25 million U.S. dollars) to a world-first immunotherapy trial in Australia. 香港长江和记实业创始人李嘉诚向...

  • 母乳能杀死肿瘤细胞

    17-05-24 Breast milk is being used to fight cancer after scientists accidentally discovered it contains a substance that kills tumour cells. 科学家们意外发现母乳中含有能杀死肿瘤细胞的物质后,正试图通过母乳来对抗癌症。 Trials in patients with bladder cancer h...

  • 高学历的人患脑瘤风险更大

    16-06-22 A university degree is linked to a heightened risk of developing a brain tumour, suggests a large observational study, published online in the Journal of Epidemiology Community Health. Gliomas, in particular, were more common among people who had st...

  • 基因CUX1缺失可引起肿瘤生长

    13-12-09 Researchers have identified a gene that drives the development of tumours in over one per cent of all cancer patients. This is the first time that the gene CUX1 has been broadly linked to cancer development. The team discovered that, when CUX1 is de...

  • 骨肿瘤可能由两种变异基因引发

    13-10-28 Scientists have made a rare discovery that allows them to attribute two types of tumour almost entirely to specific mutations that lie in two related genes. These mutations are found in nearly 100 per cent of patients suffering from two rare bone tu...

  • 巴西前总统达席尔瓦患咽喉癌

    11-10-30 Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has been diagnosed with throat cancer. 巴西前总统路易斯伊纳西奥卢拉达席尔瓦被诊断出患上咽喉癌。 The 66-year-old has a tumour in his larynx(喉) , a statement from the Sirio-Libanes Hospital in Sa...

  • 处理普通病毒便能抑制肿瘤生长

    11-09-28 Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have demonstrated for the first time that it is possible to inhibit the growth of brain tumours by treating the common Cytomegalovirus ( CMV巨细胞病毒 ). The virus, which is found in a wide range of tum...

  • 癌细胞也需要“蜕皮”

    11-09-04 Like snakes, tumour cells shed their skin. Cancer is not a static(静态的) disease but during its development the disease accumulates changes to evade natural defences adapting to new environmental circumstances, protecting against chemotherapy and...

  • 人性化细胞疫苗治疗脑瘤进入临床试验

    09-12-01 The University of Navarra Hospital has launched a series of clinical trials in order to assess the efficacy of an immunotherapy(免疫疗法) treatment. This approach involves the application of personalised vaccines produced from healthy and tumour c...
