• 和banana有关的口语表达

    22-04-26 原产于亚热带和热带,是一年四季皆可吃到的水果。方便剥皮,味美,富含丰富的钾元素。当然,banana除表示香蕉,还可组成一些有趣的俚语,比如: the big/top banana 大人物 go bananas 情绪失控,生气,发飙 例如: Leon is the top banana in this software company....

  • 10句温柔而残忍的婉转语 下

    22-04-08 6. Well, if you want the truth... 好吧,如果你想听真话 真实含义: Ive been lying this entire time. 我其实一直在撒谎。 7. Im not trying to be mean... 我不想那么刻薄 But Im about to destroy you. 但是我要开始打击你了。 8. Yeah, about that... 关于那件事...

  • Best-Behavior Friend 好行为朋友

    22-04-07 好朋友有亲密无间的BFF(Best Friend Forever,永远的好朋友),也有不那么坦诚的BBF(Best-Behavior Friend,好行为朋友)。你交过BBF吗? Best-Behavior Friend, also known as BBF; a friend whom you have very little in common with and you act on your best-be...

  • a very poor lie which reveals the truth 此地无银三百两

    22-03-23 此地无银三百两,字面意思是No 300 taels of silver buried here,比喻一个人想要把事情隐瞒掩饰,结果反而暴露(A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocence),可以翻译为a very poor lie which reveals the truth。 例句: 你说...

  • 想当然

    21-12-29 日常生活中,我们大概都遇见过想当然的情况。想当然,也就是出于主观想象,仅凭主观的推测就来断定,认为事情应当如此。 那么问题来了,想当然用英语该怎么说呢?难道就是think of course?当然不是。 首先我们来看想当然的基本释义:think it is so - most probably i...

  • spill the tea 吃瓜

    21-11-19 吃瓜,网络流行语词,瓜表示某个热点新闻、八卦事件(gossip; news; scoop)或别人的隐私(personal information belonging to someone else)。 一起吃瓜有分享八卦的意思,与英文流行语spill the tea意思相近,瓜与tea相对应。 吃瓜还可以表示一种不关己事、不发表意...

  • dawn on 终于明白

    21-08-26 短语 dawn on 的意思是某人终于明白一事。 例句 It dawned on me that I hadnt been sick for two years. It was several hours before the truth finally dawned on Michael: he was in the wrong city. 请注意 另一个短语 the crack of dawn 的意思是黎明,破晓。 We...

  • truth will come to light sooner or later 纸包不住火

    21-07-21 纸包不住火是一句俗语,比喻事实是掩盖不了的。这个表达的本意指火可以把纸燃烧,所以不可能把它包...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 35

    21-02-24 Vaguely, as of a sound coming from far distances, the crack of a revolver-shot penetrated to the girls numbed brain. It did not surprise her. Indeed, it roused only a feeling of the mildest curiosity in one whose nerves had been strained almost to t...

  • 有关heart的英语习语和短语 上

    20-11-05 Break Someones Heart 伤透某人的心 Definition: Hurt someone, usually romantically, or to cause some great disappointment. 定义:伤害某人,通常是浪漫的,或者引起一些极大的失望。 Angela broke Brads heart last year. He cant get over her. 安吉拉去年伤了...