• 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 9

    22-09-13 The first thing I did when I got off at Penn Station, I went into this phone booth. I felt like giving somebody a buzz. I left my bags right outside the booth so that I could watch them, but as soon as I was inside, I couldnt think of anybody to cal...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第24章

    22-09-08 Mother Gothel froze. Her mind ran wild. Her secret was finally exposed. Desperately, she tried to regain control, saying brusquely, Rapunzel, do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such a ridiculous question? Rapunzel walked past Mother Gothel...

  • 向同事道歉

    22-07-27 向同事道歉的万能句:请接受我诚挚的道歉。 经典表达: Please accept my deep apologies. 请接受我诚挚的道歉。 举一反三: I apologize for what happened. I apologize for my mistake. I must apologize for what I said about that. I want to apologize for bein...

  • don't pull any punches 坦诚直言,毫不保留

    22-06-10 dont pull any punches speak in an honest and direct way without being tactful 不打虚拳 - 坦诚直言,毫不保留 例句: The CEO didnt pull any punch when he told the board that the company was in trouble. CEO在告知董事会成员公司处于麻烦之中时并没有打太极...

  • dig one's grave 自掘坟墓

    22-05-12 Dig ones grave Meaning: You are digging your own grave when you do something which you know will cause you trouble. 当你做明知道会给你带来麻烦的事情时,你就是在自掘坟墓。 Example:You will dig your own grave and go to hell! 你将自掘坟墓并且下地狱!...

  • 搞事情

    22-04-28 第一种说法可能是:bother 别看错了,不是 brother,是 bother,这是一个及物动词,表示打扰、使某人觉得麻烦。比如:Come on, dont bother me again! 拜托,别搞事情了。 第二个说法可能是:cause trouble 搞事情从一个角度来分析就是引起麻烦。比如,不要搞事情,就...

  • 与食物相关的习语 下

    22-04-11 6. In hot water 有麻烦,陷于困境 When someone is in hot water, theyre in a bad situation or serious trouble. 当某人处于水深火热之中时,说明他陷于困境或者遇到了麻烦。 My brother is in hot water for failing all his college classes. 我哥哥因挂掉大学所...

  • 《延禧攻略》10句扎心台词

    22-03-01 1. 我常听说宫里的事福祸相依,到底是好事还是祸事,还不一定呢! I often hear that in the palace the good things and bad things are closely associated. So, no one knows exactly what will happen. *andare closely associated:和息息相关 2. 在这个紫禁城里,...

  • fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友

    22-01-22 朋友分为很多种,有的是可以患难与共的真朋友,有的只不过是酒肉朋友。 酒肉朋友,字面意思是friends only for wining and dining together,比喻只可一起享乐而不干正经事的朋友,或可共安乐而不能共患难的朋友,与英文fair-weather friend意思相同,表示a person who...

  • meet trouble half-way 杞人忧天

    22-01-22 杞人忧天,杞是古代地名(the name of an ancient state),忧的意思是担忧、焦虑(worry)。杞人忧天字面意思是杞国人担心天会塌下来(The man of Qi was afraid that the heavens were about to fall on him),比喻缺乏根据或不必要的担心和忧虑(unnecessary worry...