• get something done once and for all 一劳永逸

    21-12-29 一劳永逸,汉语成语,意思是辛苦一次,把事情办好,以后就不再费事了。可以翻译为get something done once and for all等。 例句: 一劳永逸的解决办法 Solution that holds good for all time 自己买个印刷机,才是一劳永逸的办法。 To buy a press of our own is the...

  • 安慰他人 下

    21-11-30 我不想给您添麻烦。 I dont want to put you out. *put out有添麻烦的意思。 I dont want to bother you. I dont want to cause you trouble. 这算什么呀。 This is nothing. Its no big deal. Its no problem. 多糟糕呀! How terrible! How awful! 别小题大作。 No bi...

  • play with fire 惹火烧身

    21-09-01 惹火烧身,或引火烧身,汉语成语,字面意思是stir up a fire only to burn oneself,比喻自找麻烦或自找苦吃。可以翻译为play with fire,bring trouble upon oneself等。 例句: 我才不会惹火烧身。 I would never be so foolish as to invite trouble....

  • bother,disturb and trouble

    21-05-24 不论在工作场景中请教同事一件事情,还是在公共场合向陌生人寻求帮助,我们往往会先说句:抱歉,打扰一下。,以示礼貌。在这类情景中,我们可以用 bother、disturb 和 trouble 来表示 麻烦、打搅 的意思。 不过,在选择用哪个词语来表达 麻烦他人 之前,我们应该先考虑...

  • bear a hand to somebody 一臂之力

    21-05-08 一臂之力,汉语成语,意思是指一部分力量或不大的力量,表示从旁帮一点忙,可以翻译为give/offer somebody a helping hand或bear a hand to somebody。 例句: 你有困难,我会助你一臂之力。 If you get into trouble, Ill do all I can to help. 幸好他答应助我们一臂...

  • 如何使用“疑问词 + ever”

    21-02-08 英语中表示人、事物、地点、时间的疑问词可以和单词 ever 搭配,组成新词,引导让步状语从句。比如,what + ever 组成 whatever(不管怎样,无论什么);where + ever 组成 wherever(无论在哪里,无论什么地方)。 用法总结 1 Whoever 指 那个人,无论什么人。 Whoeve...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 23

    21-01-21 Bab and Betty had been playing in the avenue all the afternoon several weeks later, but as the shadows began to lengthen both agreed to sit upon the gate and rest while waiting for Ben, who had gone nutting with a party of boys. When they played hou...

  • make waves 兴风作浪

    21-01-10 兴风作浪,汉语成语,字面意思是raise winds and waves,比喻煽动情绪,挑起事端,可以翻译为incite trouble and create confusion;stir up trouble [disorder]。也可用英文俚语make waves表示,有to cause trouble or controversy, especially that which affects th...

  • pull together in times of trouble 同舟共济

    21-01-09 同舟共济,汉语成语,本意是坐一条船,共同渡河(cross a river in the same boat)。比喻团结互助,同心协力,战胜困难。可以翻译为pull together in times of trouble。 例句: 在这种情况下,我们只有同舟共济才能胜利。 Under the given situation, only with join...

  • someone to lean on 可依靠的人

    20-11-09 如果你有一个 someone to lean on(可以依靠的人),这意味着当你遇到麻烦、感到伤心或沮丧的时候,你知道这个人会给予你帮助和支持。 例句 Im glad I had my best friend to lean on after I split up with my girlfriend. 在和我的女朋友分手之后,我很庆幸我有一位...