• 中国军队参加俄罗斯大规模军演

    18-09-11 Russias largest military drills in over three decades, also attended by the Chinese military forces, kicked off at the Tsugol training range in Russias Trans-Baikal region on Tuesday. 俄罗斯近30年来最大规模的军事演习周二在后贝加尔边疆区举行,中国军...

  • 土耳其总统宣布控制阿夫林市中心

    18-03-19 Turkish troops and allied Syrian rebels have taken the Afrin city center under control following two-month fighting, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday. 土耳其总统雷杰普塔伊普埃尔多安周日表示,经过两个月的战斗,土耳其军队和盟军叙...

  • 2015阿尔及利亚军队击杀109名武装分子

    15-12-28 Algerian army troops killed as many as 109 militants and arrested 36 others in 2015, according to an annual report released by Defense Ministry on Sunday. 阿尔及利亚国防部周日公布的年报显示,阿尔及利亚军队2015年共击杀109名、逮捕36名武装分子。 As par...

  • 伊拉克敦促土耳其迅速撤军

    15-12-09 Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi urged NATO on Tuesday to force Turkey to immediately withdraw its troops from Iraq. 伊拉克总理阿巴迪周二敦促北约推动土耳其从伊拉克迅速撤军。 Turkish troops are in Iraqi territory without the knowledge nor permiss...

  • 2016年后美军将从阿富汗撤离

    15-10-16 U.S. President Barack Obama announced Thursday that a complete withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan will be prolonged. 美国总统奥巴马周四宣布,美国军队从阿富汗完全撤离的时期将被延长。 The decision means he will hand the conflict off to his...

  • 奥巴马:不会派更多部队对抗伊斯兰国

    15-07-07 U.S. President Barack Obama said Monday that local forces should be the main forces to fight the extremist group the Islamic State (IS) and currently there was no plan for his administration to send more troops abroad. 美国总统奥巴马周一宣称,当地武...

  • 俄罗斯作战部队越过乌克兰边境

    14-11-13 NATO's top commander says Russian troops and tanks have been seen entering Ukrainian territory over the past few days. 北约最高司令官称,在过去几天中,俄罗斯军队与坦克被目击到进入乌克兰领土。 U.S. General Philip Breedlove says their analysis is simi...

  • 美英联军部队从阿富汗撤兵

    14-10-27 The last U.S. Marine unit and British combat troops in Afghanistan have officially ended their operations, 13 years after overrunning the Taliban. 驻扎在阿富汗的最后一支美国海军陆战队以及英国战斗部队正式结束在阿富汗的行动,此时距推翻塔利班已13年时间...

  • 奥巴马讲话 就打击ISIS组织发表讲话

    14-09-30 My fellow Americans, tonight I want to speak to you about what the United States will do with our friends and allies to degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as ISIL. As Commander-in-Chief, my highest priority is the security of t...

  • Ball of Fat 羊脂球 Chapter 1

    14-09-04 For many days now the fag-end of the army had been straggling through the town. They were not troops, but a disbanded horde. The beards of the men were long and filthy, their uniforms in tatters, and they advanced at an easy pace without flag or reg...