• flash sale 限时抢购,闪购

    22-08-26 A: Ah, I miss shopping in the night markets in China! I loved the give and take of haggling with the merchants to get the best deal possible. B: Really? I was always so intimidated and felt like I was getting ripped off. I think I would rather just...

  • do the trick 完成任务,找到解决方案

    22-05-10 Do the trick Definition: complete the task, function as a solution 定义:完成任务,找到解决方案。 I think this pen will do the trick. 我觉得这只钢笔很耐用。 Youll come up with something to do the trick. 你要想办法来完成这件事。...

  • I'm not falling for this again. 我不会再上当了。

    21-11-02 Fall for something意为allow oneself to be persuaded by something,相信某事。 例: The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it. 推销员说这辆汽车状况良好, 而我竟傻到信以为真。 例: Im surprised you fell fo...

  • 用来“愚人”的词汇

    21-10-02 在很多国家,每年的4月1日是用来捉弄家人和朋友的节日 愚人节 April Fools Day。在这一天,我们可能会对密友或家人搞恶作剧 pull a prank,开一些善意的玩笑。做小测验题,学习有关欺骗和受骗等词汇。 1. Thats not true! Stop __________ my leg! a) stretching b) ho...

  • one-trick pony 一招鲜

    21-07-14 什么是懂得一招的小马驹?这个口语表达原指杂技团里经过训练后,只会变一种戏法的小马。现在,我们常用它来形容仅有一技之长的人或只具有一种特色的事物,带有戏谑的语气,类似于汉语里说的一招鲜或黔驴技穷的人。在这里,名词 trick 的意思是戏法、把戏。 例句 The wr...

  • 适合学英语的5本英文经典名著

    21-03-12 第一本:《傲慢与偏见》 Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice is kind of a literary Rosetta Stone, the inspiration, basis, and model for so many modern novels. Youre probably more familiar with its plot and characters than you think. For a book wri...

  • a thief posing as judge 贼喊捉贼

    21-02-22 贼喊捉贼,汉语成语,意思是指做贼的人喊捉贼(a thief crying Stop thief)。坏人为了自己逃脱,故意转移目标,把别人说成是坏人。可以翻译为a thief posing as judge,play the trick of thief crying Stop thief。 例句: 这完全是贼喊捉贼、颠倒黑白,是典型的此地...

  • tart and mean 夺笋啊

    21-01-27 夺笋啊,网络流行语,其实是多损啊的谐音,表示十分刻...

  • lifehack 生活妙招

    16-08-12 Lifehack refers to any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency in all walks of life. Lifehack指在生活的各个方面能够提升生产力和效率的各类捷径、技能、妙招以及新奇的方法,即生活妙招。 The term was primarily...

  • 关于万圣节的6件事

    15-11-02 1. The Origins of Halloween Halloween is thought to have originated around 4000 B.C., which means Halloween has been around for over 6,000 years as we know it today, borrow traditions from different festivals namely: the Roman feralia festival comme...