• 形容词比较级表 “越来越……”

    21-10-14 如果想描述一个人或一件事情的变化或进展,表示 越来越,可以使用 comparatives(比较级)。怎样用英语说 我越来越饿?谈论这类变化时,形容词的音节数量是否会影响句子的结构? 用法总结 1 我们可以使用 形容词比较级 + and + 重复该形容词比较级 的结构来表达 越来越...

  • 种植大树能抵消人一生的碳足迹吗?

    21-09-14 They are huge and ancient trees. Most likely to be found in California like these sequoias in Yosemite National Park. But if you wait, you are going to have to be patient here, you may start to see some growing further afield in parts of the UK. 这...

  • 巴塞罗那上线“清凉徒步”地图APP

    21-06-25 最近,一款名为清凉徒步(Cool Walks)的城市地图APP在西班牙巴塞罗那全新上线。当地民众可以使用这款APP找到阴凉路线,避免在烈日下暴晒,甚至还能启用吸血鬼模式,确保一路上都晒不到太阳。 A new app promises to help Barcelona residents find the shadiest route...

  • 咏怀诗选(七)

    21-06-16 咏怀诗选(七) Selections from Songs of My Heart 7 阮籍 炎暑惟兹夏,三旬将欲移。 芳树垂绿叶,青云自逶迤。 四时更代谢,日月递参差。 徘徊空堂上,忉怛莫我知。 愿睹卒欢好,不见悲别离。 This sweltering heat will take its leave of us, the summer months wi...

  • 修复巴黎圣母院

    21-05-14 Beneath its protective cranes, Notre Dame still embodies the horror and heroism that unfolded here two years ago. Since then, workers have been clearing the debris, securing the structure and dismantling the scaffolding that melted in the fire. Fort...

  • can't see the wood for the trees 见木不见林

    21-04-11 表达 cant see the wood for the trees 的意思是 做某件事情时太专注于细节,没有注意整体大局,因而可能会错漏重要的信息,它就相当于汉语中所说的 见木不见林。 例句 Worrying about the small details means I cant see the wood for the trees. 担心这些小细节意味...

  • 树木的生存智慧

    21-03-30 我们认为人类智慧无穷,动物也一样,但植物呢? Theres nothing better than a walk in the countryside for lifting our spirits. Connecting with nature has been proven to help our mental health. For some, the best tonic is to stroll through a forest, but...

  • dead of winter 寒冬腊月

    21-01-14 表达 dead of winter 指 隆冬时节,冬天最寒冷的时期,相当于汉语里的 寒冬腊月。它通常被用来描述像大雪或重霜这样的阴冷天气。Dead of winter 多出现于文学作品中,但在口语中也时常被使用。 例句 Im not going out there. Its the dead of winter. 我不出去。这寒冬...

  • Pauline's Passion and Punishment - Chapter 4

    20-12-19 The work of weeks is soon recorded, and when another month was gone these were the changes it had wrought. The four so strangely bound together by ties of suffering and sin went on their way, to the worlds eye, blessed with every gracious gift, but...

  • “橄榄树麻风病” 蔓延欧洲 可造成重大经济损失

    20-11-21 研究人员表示,一种致命病原体对欧洲橄榄树的侵害所造成的经济损失可达200多亿欧元。研究人员模拟了这种名叫叶缘焦枯病菌(Xylella fastidiosa)的病原体未来的最坏影响,这种病原体已经杀死了意大利的大片树木。 Xylella is considered to be one of the most dangero...