• 古树在世界各地持续消亡

    20-11-17 根据卫星数据显示的信息,古老的、富含碳的热带森林继续以惊人的速度消失。美国马里兰大学对高度为五米以上的树木的研究称,在2019年,每六秒就有一片足球场大小的原始森林消失。 For scientists, the loss of older trees and tropical rainforests is a double blow...

  • 故都的秋

    20-10-21 秋天,无论在什么地方的秋天,总是好的;可是啊,北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得悲凉。我的不远千里,要从杭州赶上青岛,更要从青岛赶上北平来的理由,也不过想饱尝一尝这秋,这故都的秋味。 Autumn, wherever it is, always has something to recommend itse...

  • 海南黑冠长臂猿数量缓慢增长

    19-08-20 The population of Hainan gibbons, known as the worlds rarest primates, has slowly grown to 29 thanks to afforestation efforts in Chinas southern island province of Hainan, conservationists have said. 海南黑冠长臂猿,世界上最珍稀的灵长类,数量已缓慢...

  • 菲律宾要求学生在毕业前种10棵树

    19-06-11 In an effort to foster love and care for the earth, a new bill has been passed in the Philippines that requires students to plant 10 trees each before graduating. 为了培养孩子们对地球的关爱与呵护,菲律宾近日通过了一项新法案,要求每个学生在毕业前都种...

  • 蚂蚁森林种树超1亿棵

    19-04-23 Alibabas Alipay announced on Monday that 100 million trees have been planted in the countrys deserts as the number of its Ant Forest users reaches 500 million. 支付宝周一宣布,蚂蚁森林用户超过5亿,已在国内沙漠地区种植1亿多棵树木。 The nearly 1.4 mil...

  • 日本公司培育出外皮可以吃的香蕉

    18-02-22 In Japanese, its being described as Mongee -- the super banana. It looks just like any other banana, but its supposed to be softer and sweeter -- and its peel is edible. 这种香蕉的日文名叫做Mongee,即超级香蕉的意思。超级香蕉和其他香蕉看起来一样,但...

  • 北美17年蝉提前4年出土

    17-06-04 Swarms of cicadas are unexpectedly crawling out from under trees from North Carolina to New Jersey. The red-eyed insects are almost impossible to miss; they fly around lazily, plunking into backyard barbeques and crashing into cars. They litter the...

  • BBC文化频道:4月份不容错过的十本好书

    17-04-10 Michel Stone, Border Child In Stones first novel, The Iguana Tree, Hctor makes the risky border crossing from Mexico into the US and finds a good job in South Carolina. When his wife Lilia follows him, she is separated from their infant daughter Ale...

  • 树木可以通过唾液辨认狍子

    17-03-23 In spring, the young, delicate shoots in the forest light up, bright and May green. The buds and shoots are the future of the forests as they allow young trees to grow. The problem for the trees is: Roe deer like to eat them, and especially their bu...

  • 树木可以通过唾液识别狍子

    16-12-14 In spring, the young, delicate shoots in the forest light up, bright and May green. The buds and shoots are the future of the forests as they allow young trees to grow. The problem for the trees is: Roe deer like to eat them, and especially their bu...