• 杭州亚运会火炬形象正式发布

    21-09-14 9月10日,在杭州亚运会倒计时一周年活动上,杭州亚运会火炬形象正式发布。 The torch for the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games was named Eternal Flame and its design was inspired by the Liangzhu Culture, which was a testament to the 5000-year-old Chinese civiliz...

  • to carry a torch for someone 单相思

    21-08-19 英语短语 to carry a torch for someone 字面意思是为某人举着火炬,实际意思就是单相思。 例句 John has carried a torch for Jane for years but she doesnt seem to notice. George is such a nice guy, isnt he? You carry a torch for him, dont you? No! Well ye...

  • 北京冬奥会、冬残奥会火炬发布

    21-02-07 2月4日,在北京2022年冬奥会开幕倒计时一周年(the one-year countdown to the opening of the Games)之际,北京冬奥会、冬残奥会火炬飞扬(Flying)正式发布。 The 2022 Olympic torch spirals upward to resemble two overlapping fluttering ribbons. The inner re...

  • 朗朗参加里约奥运火炬传递

    16-07-01 Chinese concert pianist Lang Lang led six Chinese torchbearers participate in the Rio Olympics torch relay on Thursday in the famous Iguacu waterfall city. 本周四,中国钢琴家朗朗与其他六名中国火炬手在伊瓜苏瀑布城参加了里约奥运会火炬传递仪式。 This T...

  • 索契冬奥会火炬搭火箭升入太空

    13-11-07 A torch for the Sochi Winter Olympics has blasted blast off into space. 索契冬奥会一只火炬已随火箭点火升空。 A Soyuz rocket is delivering the torch to the International Space Station. On Saturday, two Russian cosmonauts will take it on a historic fi...

  • 伦敦奥运火炬传递中途熄灭

    12-05-26 It's been going for just three days and 115 miles but the Olympic Torch Relay has already burnt out, organisers confirmed today. 伦敦奥组委今天证实,刚刚传递了3天、走过了115英里的奥运火炬传递中途熄灭。 Shortly before 10am the torch that was attached...

  • 伦敦公布奥运会金色火炬

    11-06-11 This is the golden torch that will be carried by the 8,000 runners on the London 2012 relay. 伦敦近日公布了2012年夏季奥运会的金色火炬,届时将有八千名火炬手接力传递。 Golden triangle: London 2012 chairman Lord Coe holds the three-cornered torch aloft...
