• multi-burial grave 合葬墓穴

    16-04-27 A separate tomb should cover no more than 0.5 square meter, and a multi-burial grave is designated less than 0.8 square meter. 城市公益性公墓独立墓穴的单位占地面积不得超过0.5㎡,合葬墓穴的单位占地面积不得超过0.8㎡。 此外,居民居住区500米以内严禁建设...

  • 海昏侯墓主确认 系“汉废帝”刘贺

    16-03-02 A jade seal found in the interior coffin of a 2,000-year-old tomb in east China's Jiangxi Province has helped identify its master as the Marquis of Haihun, who had a short-lived reign of 27 days as an emperor of Western Han Dynasty. 中国江西省一处具...

  • tomb raider 盗墓贼

    15-06-29 Police said the 175 tomb raiders , who belong to 10 gangs, had a clear division of labor covering the whole process from excavation to sales. Four archeologists are suspected of participating in the tomb raiding and selling the stolen artifacts. 175...

  • 清明节相关词汇

    13-08-28 Ching Ming Festival/Grave-Sweeping Day 清明节 Cold Food Festival 寒食节 online tomb-sweeping 网上祭扫 Internet memorial 网络纪念馆 condolence 哀悼之情 hell note/joss paper 纸钱 funeral supplies/products 殡葬用品 funeral services 殡葬服务业 commercia...

  • 科学家试图寻找蒙娜·丽莎的真身

    13-08-10 Scientists in the Italian city of Florence have opened a tomb to extract DNA they hope will identify the model for Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. 意大利城市佛罗伦萨的科学家打开一座坟墓提取死者DNA,他们希望可以找出列奥纳多达芬奇笔下蒙娜丽莎的原型。 T...

  • 危地马拉发现最久远的玛雅坟墓

    12-10-26 One of the oldest Mayan tombs ever found has been uncovered in western Guatemala, say archaeologists. 考古学家称,一座最古老的玛雅坟墓在危地马拉西部被发现。 The scientists named the grave's occupant K'utz Chman, which in the Mayan language means Gra...

  • 埃及发现古代“歌星”坟墓

    12-01-20 一群瑞士考古学家最近在埃及的帝王谷偶然发现一个古墓,古墓的主人是3000年前古埃及的一名歌星。 For researchers in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, finding an untouched(未受影响的) tomb is an exciting prospect, but finding one that became the final resting...

  • 清明节词汇

    10-07-22 Ching Ming Festival/Grave-Sweeping Day 清明节 Cold Food Festival 寒食节 day of sacrifice 祭祀节日 mortician 殡仪业者 burn incense 焚香 tomb-sweeping 扫墓 tomb sweeper 扫墓的人 offer sacrifices to ancestors 祭祖/上供 condolence 哀悼之情 hell note/jos...

  • 埃及发现一座遗失的古墓

    10-06-01 A lost ancient Egyptian tomb has been rediscovered by archaeologists in the desert sands south of Cairo. 考古学家在开罗南部沙漠地区发现一座曾经遗失的古埃及坟墓。 The team is looking for a sarcophagus like this one discovered 100 years ago The 3,300-...

  • 乌干达男子火烧布干达皇家坟墓

    10-04-01 A man has turned himself in to Ugandan police and confessed to setting fire to five royal tombs of the traditional Buganda kings earlier this month. 一位乌干达男子向警方自首,承认自己在本月早些时候防火烧了五座布干达国王的皇家坟墓。 The fire caused r...