• quite a while 许久、相当长一段时间

    22-08-16 Quite a while用于口语中,指许久、相当长一段时间(=a long time)。例如:I havent seen Rebecca in quite a while, but she hadnt changed much. (我和丽贝卡许久未见,但她却没什么变化。) Die down是逐渐消失,变弱,渐渐停止的意思。例如:As the applause died do...

  • 2021年度全国十大考古新发现 下

    22-04-02 Zhengjiahu Cemetery, Hubei Province 湖北云梦郑家湖墓地 A wooden script with 700 characters was unearthed from Zhengjiahu Cemetery in Hubei Province in November, providing precious materials for studying the history of that period. 2021年11月,湖北云...

  • 陕西古墓发现彩色壁画

    19-06-21 Seven colored murals were discovered on the walls of an ancient tomb in north Chinas Shanxi Province, according to the provincial institute of archaeology. 陕西省一座古墓内的墙壁上发现七副彩色壁画。 Located in a village of the Shuozhou city, the bri...

  • 2500年历史古墓中挖出一罐鸡蛋

    19-03-26 Chinese archaeologists have found a pot of eggs in a tomb that can be dated back to 2,500 years ago in Changzhou, Jiangsu province. 中国考古学家在江苏常州一座具有2500年历史的古墓中发现一罐鸡蛋。 According to a report by jschina.com.cn, the eggs were...

  • 中国出土有2000年历史的彩陶

    19-01-04 Chinese archaeologists have discovered more than 40 painted pottery items at a tomb dating back around 2,000 years in east Chinas Shandong Province. 中国考古学家在山东省一座距今约2000年历史的古墓中发现40多件彩陶物品。 The items, including figurines...

  • 海昏侯墓将打造成国家级考古遗迹公园

    17-12-04 Chinese authorities have approved a plan to turn the tomb of the Marquis of Haihun into a national-level archeological relics park. 中国政府计划将海昏侯墓打造成一个国家级考古遗迹公园。 The tomb, dating back to Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.- 25 A.D.)...

  • 盗墓疑犯潜逃23年后终落网

    17-05-15 A suspected tomb raider has been caught after 23 years on the run, police in central Chinas Hubei Province said Sunday. 湖北警方周日表示,一名盗墓嫌疑犯潜逃23年后终落网。 Li Yihai was apprehended Wednesday in south Chinas Hainan Province, police con...