12-11-14 A global treaty to crack down on the deadly trade of fake medicines is urgently needed, say experts. 专家称,打击假药销售的全球性协议迫切需要达成。 Currently, there are more sanctions around the use of illegal tobacco than counterfeit drugs(假药)...
12-08-18 澳大利亚最高法院本周三通过一项法案,禁止烟草公司在生产的香烟盒上展示其特有标志。自今年12月起,所有香烟盒将换成统一的橄榄绿背景,配以因癌症溃烂的口腔、失明的眼珠以及病弱儿童等警示性图片。 Australia has urged other countries to adopt the world's tough...
12-07-09 Third-hand smoke is generally considered to be residual nicotine and other chemicals left on a variety of indoor surfaces by tobacco smoke. This residue is thought to react with common indoor pollutants to create a toxic mix. This toxic mix of third...
12-05-26 新西兰政府日前宣布,未来四年内烟草税将提高40%;到2016年,平均每包烟的价格将达到20新西兰元(约合人民币95元)。新西兰政府官员表示,希望通过增税和新的限制措施能够让新西兰人逐步放弃吸烟习惯,并能在2025年实现全国无烟。 There are smoke-free bars, smoke-f...
12-04-20 Anti-tobacco television advertising helps reduce adult smoking, according to a study by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago's Institute for Health Research and Policy -- but some ads may be more effective than others. Adults and you...
12-03-20 Canada's three biggest tobacco companies, all with multinational parents, face C$27.25 billion ($27.43 billion) in damages and penalties as the largest civil lawsuit in the country's history to go to trial started on Monday. 加拿大史上最大规模的民事...
12-01-12 A scientist at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an anthropologist(人类学家) from the University at Albany teamed up to use ultra-modern chemical analysis technology at Rensselaer to analyze ancient Mayan pottery for proof of tobacco use in the...
11-12-07 Nearly half of cancers diagnosed in the UK each year - over 130,000 in total - are caused by avoidable life choices including smoking, drinking and eating the wrong things, a review reveals. 一项评审显示,英国每年诊断出的癌症病人(总数超过13万),几...
11-10-06 Forty million smokers could die from TB by 2050, research suggests. 研究显示,2050年将有四千万吸烟者死于肺结核。 Smoking is a risk factor for TB Smokers are about twice as likely to get the lung infection and die from it, compared with non-smokers....
11-09-27 A new study shows that 145,000 deaths could be averted in the next 30 years in the Netherlands by implementing stronger tobacco control policies. This set of policies, as recommended by the MPOWER report of the World Health Organisation, consists of...