22-11-21 中华人民共和国烟草专卖法 Law of PRC on Tobacoo Monopoly 第一条 为实行烟草专卖管理,有计划地组织烟草专卖品的生产和经营,提高烟草制品质量,维护消费者利益,保证国家财政收入制定本法。 Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to exercising tobacco monop...
22-10-25 But no, there are things that we deliberately dont sell. 但是,有些东西我们故意不卖。 We dont sell guns; we dont sell tobacco. 我们不卖枪;我们不卖烟草。 There are things we dont sell, but that we make deliberate decisions about. 有些东西我们不卖,...
21-12-10 据英国《卫报》报道,为了实现2025年成为无烟国家的目标,新西兰拟推出新法案,禁止下一代人口购买烟草。根据该法案,14岁以下的年轻人将永远不能在新西兰合法购买香烟。这一年龄限制将逐年提高,以扩大终身禁烟的人口比例。 New Zealand has announced it will outlaw...
21-03-26 近日,工信部网站发布通知,对修改《烟草专卖法实施条例》公开征求意见。 In a draft amendment to Chinas Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Tobacco Patent Sales Law, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State Tobacco Mono...
19-01-08 A large, open air smoking area located in Beijings Wangfujing pedestrian walking street is being accused of violating local smoking control regulations, reports chinanews.com. 中心网报道,北京王府井行人步行街上一大块露天吸烟区被指责违反禁烟法规。 Th...
18-08-02 Experts in China are calling for the control of electronic cigarettes, as the public lacks awareness of the potential health effects of vaping, reports thepaper.cn. 中国的专家们呼吁对电子烟进行控制,因为公众对电子烟潜在的健康威胁缺乏认知。 Invented...
18-06-07 The number of smokers in Beijing has dropped by about 200,000, three years after the city adopted its strictest tobacco control regulation, the municipal health authority said Wednesday. 北京市卫生局周三表示,北京实行最严格的禁烟规定已经三年,烟民数...
18-06-03 Fewer people are smoking worldwide, especially women, but only one country in eight is on track to meet a target of reducing tobacco use significantly by 2025, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday. 世界卫生组织本周四表示,全球吸烟人...
17-05-31 May 31st marks the 30th World No Tobacco Day. 5月31日是第30个世界无烟日。 As such, many Chinese experts are urging more efforts to control tobaccos consumption. Stats have shown that China, the worlds largest tobacco producer and consumer, has more...
15-11-26 A survey by the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control found that the public's approval ratings of Beijing's smoking ban almost doubled from 42.26 percent to 81.3 percent in the last six months. 中国控制吸烟协会的一项调查显示,最近六个月以来,北京禁...