10-05-19 British web users are spending 65% more time online than three years ago, according to a survey of net habits. 一线针对英国网民的调查显示,英国人现在上网的时间比过去三年上涨65%。 Britons spend the majority of their time on social networks The averag...
10-04-14 The South Korean government is introducing policies aimed at curbing the amount of time children spend playing online games. 韩国政府欲实行新政策以限制儿童玩网游的时间。 The first involves barring online gaming access to young people of school age b...
10-03-26 Fast food is not only bad for your body, but may also harm your bank account. Eating habits have shifted dramatically over the last few decades--fast food has become a multibillion dollar industry that has widespread influence on what and how we eat...
09-11-25 我很拖拉,我一直都这样。这是性格缺陷,我承认。我试过各种方法想克服这个习惯:列出要做的事情的清单、邮件提醒以及各种各样列表之类的方法,但是只有一件事管用,那就是:现在就做。 我知道这一点非常清楚,但是许多人都意识不到这个最基本的技能。并不是我们不知道...
09-11-07 The first time, the second time, the third time A couple was celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. Their domestic tranquillity had long been the talk of the town. A local newspaper reporter was inquiring as to the secret of their long and ha...
09-10-28 Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty-four time zones, one hour apart.You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days. If you make a five-day...
09-10-27 Before meeting with my friend Leticia from Honduras, Central America, I would ask her if she was arriving according to North American time or Latin American time. Smiling, she would answer, A la hora Latina, of course. This meant that she would be l...
09-09-29 As the taxi came to a screeching halt at a traffic light,I asked the driver,Do you agree that 'Time is money'? Well,it's a very common saying.Who will care so much about that?the driver answered . Look,the digits in the meter are still running when...
09-09-21 老听人说:做女人难,做个职业女性更难。这句话道出的事实估计很多人都会赞同。现代社会,到处都讲男女平等,男人要挣钱养家,女人也要分担经济压力。可是,家庭中的很多传统活计仍然是需要女人们来操持的,男人们周末在运动场上跟朋友撒汗的时候,女人可能在家里擦地...
09-09-12 为了结束公务员队伍长久以来自由松散、时间观念淡薄的局面,印度政府于本周二开始在首都新德里推出办公室生物识别扫描的考勤方式,希望以此提高政府官僚体系的工作效率。目前,印度中央政府约有300万名公务员,其中包括全体铁路工作人员,而联邦各州的公务员还有大约70...