• a leopard can't change its spots 江山易改,本性难移

    22-03-23 江山易改,本性难移,汉语成语,意思是人的本性的改变比江山的变迁还要难。形容人的内在秉性难以改变,与英文习语a leopard cant change its spots或a tiger cannot change its stripes意思相近,表示One cant change ones essential nature。 例句: 我们分手后,他回...

  • 法国选手穿老虎装参加大跳台比赛

    22-02-22 北京冬奥会单板滑雪女子大跳台资格赛中,法国选手露西尔勒菲弗装扮成一只咆哮的老虎,以此来庆祝她职业生涯中的最后一个虎年。这身老虎装让她吸睛无数,也给大家带来了快乐。 Dressed as a roaring tiger-but with no tail grabs-Frenchwoman Lucile Lefevre stole t...

  • 卧虎藏龙

    22-02-07 虎年就要到了,来学几个和虎有关的成语吧!卧虎藏龙,也作藏龙卧虎,字面意思是crouching dragon and hidden tiger,指某地隐藏着未被发现的人才或深藏不露的人才。可以翻译为talents in obscurity或a place where people with unusual abilities are to be found。 例...

  • 虎父无犬子

    22-02-07 虎年就要到了,来学几个和虎有关的词语吧!虎父无犬子,字面意思是a tiger father will not beget a dog son,比喻出色的父母生出的孩子也会很优秀,常用于夸奖别人的子辈。可以翻译为there will be no laggard among the children of a brave or talented man。 例句...

  • 我国首次成功救护并放归野生东北虎

    21-05-19 5月18日,此前在黑龙江省密山市获得成功救护的野生东北虎完达山1号被放归长白山老爷岭山脉一带。 It is the first time that a wild Siberian tiger has been successfully rescued and released into the wild in China, the National Forestry and Grassland Adminis...

  • 一只华南虎幼仔在贵州某动物园出生

    18-02-12 A South China tiger cub was born in a wild animal park in southwest Chinas Guizhou Province, the first cub of the endangered species successfully bred in Guizhou in four years. 一只华南虎幼仔在贵州省某野生动物园出生,这是四年来贵州出生的第一只华南虎...

  • Semblance: Screens

    16-06-17 Semblance: Screens Liz Waldner A moth lies open and lies like an old bleached beech leaf, a lean-to between window frame and sill. Its death protects a collection of tinier deaths and other dirts beneath. Although the white paint is water-stained, o...