• 属虎人的性格特征

    16-02-05 One of the most dynamic signs in the Chinese zodiac, Tigers are by turns fascinating, commanding, and exasperating. They are patient but short-tempered, calm but rebellious, petty but noble, fearsome but affectionate, free spirits but fiercely terri...

  • 动物身体条纹的数学模型

    15-12-25 The back of a tiger could have been a blank canvas. Instead, nature painted the big cat with parallel stripes, evenly spaced and perpendicular to the spine. Scientists don't know exactly how stripes develop, but since the 1950s, mathematicians have...

  • Burmese Days 缅甸岁月 Chapter 18

    15-11-12 After the row overnight Ellis was looking forward to a week of baiting Flory. He had nicknamed him Nancy--short for nigger's Nancy Boy, but the women did not know that--and was already inventing wild scandals about him. Ellis always invented scandal...

  • 狐假虎威

    15-09-29 One day, a big tiger was looking for food in a dense forest. A fox happened to scurry by, so the tiger pounced upon the fox and caught it. At this time, the fox suddenly hit upon a bright idea to get itself out of the predicament. It boosted its cou...

  • 苛政猛于虎

    15-09-18 In ancient times, at the foot of Mount Tai surrounded by mountains, one often heard of tales of tigers devouring people One day, Confucius and his disciples passed by Mount Tai. As they walked along, his disciples talked about what they had heard an...

  • 周处除害

    15-08-27 In the Jin Dynasty, there lived a man named Zhou Chu in Yixing. Tough and fierce and fond of fighting in his youth, Zhou Chu was a big scourge in the county. At the time, there was a ferocious dragon in the river and a fierce tiger in the mountain i...

  • 骗猎遭黑

    15-08-27 The deer feared the leopard cat, the leopard cat feared the tiger, and the tiger the brown bear. The brown bear resembled the fox but was bigger in size. It had long fur on its head, and could stand up like man. It had great strength and would devou...

  • 公众对豢养老虎的态度

    15-01-21 The wild tiger Panthera tigris is considered critically endangered, and it faces unprecedented threats, including habitat loss and fragmentation, depletion of prey, and continued illegal poaching for trade of tiger bones for traditional medicine and...

  • 中国黑龙江发现野生西伯利亚虎

    15-01-14 A wild Siberian tiger has been caught on camera eating dead livestock in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, the first images of this sort to be captured in the province. 中国黑龙江省一头野生西伯利亚虎吃死去家畜的画面被摄像头捕捉到,这是该省拍...

  • 役虎

    14-11-05 Huang Gong from the East sea saw that An Qisheng, who had come back from Mountain Zhifu after had finished his study of Taoist's magic arts there, could work a tiger with a sword. He saved the sword to the front, and the tiger would not dare to go b...