• 黔驴技穷

    12-02-08 In ancient times there were no donkeys in Guizhou province. Somebody brought a donkey from somewhere and tied it to a tree at the foot of a mountain. A tiger saw the donkey, and thought that it must be a fearsome(可怕的) monster. It hide behind a...

  • I do not recognize you

    12-01-19 Walking on the beach one day he saw a crab, went to see what happens, suddenly crab pincers(钳子) folder, then crab bush run. Tiger jumped the pain, followed by the recovery of crabs! Catch up with no trees on the crab, and then to see a tiger in...

  • A frog and a tiger

    11-08-24 Mr. tiger is the king of the forest, so he looks down upon everything in the world. One day, Mr. Frog sees Mr. tiger. I'm stronger than you. says Mr. Frog. What? You are stronger than me? Let's have a match. Who can jump over the river . says Mr. ti...

  • 狐假虎威

    11-06-21 A tiger caught a fox in a forest, and was just about to eat it, when the fox said, 'You mustn't eat me. I was sent by Heaven to rule the animals. By eating me, you will violate(违反,侵犯) the command of Heaven. If you don't believe me, just follo...

  • The Tiger and the Fox

    11-05-20 An Archer(射手座,弓箭手) , hunting in the woods, was so successful with his arrows that he killed many of the wild animals. This frightened the rest so much that they ran into the densest part of the bushes to hide. At last the Tiger stood up, an...

  • 印度公布境内野生老虎数量

    11-03-29 The Indian Government today released new tiger population numbers for the first time since 2007, indicating that numbers have increased in the country that has half of the world's remaining wild tigers. The government estimated current tiger numbers...

  • The Moon and the wind

    10-09-03 Once upon a time, there were two very good friends who lived together in the shade of a rock. Strange as it may seem, one was a lion and one was a tiger. They had met when they were too young to know the difference between lions and tigers. So they...

  • “虎”年谚语

    10-05-19 paper tiger 纸老虎 buck the tiger 玩纸牌(特指与赌棍玩牌) tiger sweat 威士忌酒 work like a tiger生龙活虎地工作 three cheers and a tiger三声欢呼一声吼 a narrow escape 虎口余生 a nation of invaders 虎狼之国 How can you catch tiger cubs without entering...

  • When a Tiger comes 老虎来了

    10-05-13 When a Tiger comes Two guys were walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a tiger appears from a distance, running towards them. One of the guys takes out a pair of Nikes from his bag and starts to put them on. The other guy with a surprised loo...

  • 一男子因吃食稀有老虎获刑

    09-12-23 A Chinese man has been jailed for 12 years for killing and eating a rare Indochinese tiger. 一名中国男子因杀死并吃掉一只稀有的印度支那虎而被判处12年有期徒刑。 Fewer than 1,800 Indochinese tigers are thought to be living in the wild Kang Wannian, a v...