• 谈话疗法是治疗社交恐惧症的最好方法

    14-09-28 While antidepressants are the most commonly used treatment for social anxiety disorder, new research suggests that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is more effective and, unlike medication, can have lasting effects long after treatment has stopped...

  • 冷冻消融术与纳米级抗癌药能联合消灭癌症

    14-03-14 Combining nanodrug-based chemotherapy(化学疗法) and cryoablation(冷冻消融术) provides an effective strategy to eliminate cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) -- the root of cancer resistance and metastasis(转移,新陈代谢) , which will help to improve...

  • 美国圣迭戈市长被指控性骚扰

    13-08-02 The mayor of San Diego, California, has said he will attend behaviour counselling amid multiple allegations of sexual harassment. 美国加州圣迭戈市市长鲍勃菲尔纳(Bob Filner)日前被多名女性指控性骚扰,他宣布将接受行为辅导。 Bob Filner: I hope to be i...

  • 干细胞可使软骨组织再生

    13-05-08 Over 20 million people in Europe suffer from osteoarthritis(骨关节炎) which can lead to extensive damage to the knee and hip cartilage(软骨) . Stem cells offer a promising way forward but a key challenge has been to design a 'smart material' tha...

  • retail therapy 购物疗法

    11-08-10 Retail therapy is shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyer's mood or disposition. Often seen in people during periods of depression or transition, it is normally a short-lived habit. Items purchased during periods of retail therapy a...

  • 印尼贫民流行“卧轨电疗”

    11-08-07 在印度尼西亚,新近流行的卧轨电疗似乎为身患疾病而负担不起医药费的贫苦民众带来了一线希望。据悉,卧轨电疗其实就是横躺在两条铁轨上,等待列车接近时发出的电流穿过身体,以此达到治病的目的,然后在列车靠近前迅速离开铁轨。 Villagers lie on a railway track for...

  • 基因疗法可缓解帕金森病症状

    11-03-17 A gene therapy called NLX-P101 dramatically reduces movement impairment in Parkinson's patients, according to results of a Phase 2 study published today in the journal Lancet Neurology. The approach introduces a gene into the brain to normalize chem...

  • 南撒哈拉艾滋病感染人数超过医疗资源

    10-11-30 The number of people infected with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to far outstrip(胜过) available resources for treatment by the end of the decade, forcing African nations to make difficult choices about how to allocate(分配) inadeq...

  • 接受化疗的未吸烟者存活率较高

    10-11-17 Patients with head and neck cancer who have never smoked have much better survival rates after radiation therapy than patients with a history of smoking, new research from UC Davis Cancer Center has found. The study by Allen M. Chen and colleagues i...

  • 基因疗法可用于治疗严重忧郁

    10-10-21 In a report published in the Oct. 20 issue of Science Translational Medicine, researchers at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center say animal and human data suggest gene therapy to the brain may be able to treat patients with ma...