• 持续高温 警惕“热射病”

    22-07-18 最近几天,南方高温堪称天气圈的劳模,每天兢兢业业冲击40℃,电风扇都热成了电吹风。 截至12日20:30,全国57地发布高温红色预警,浙江、江苏、四川、安徽等多地最高温超过40℃。 Record-breaking temperatures have been logged across China, scorching many parts o...

  • have a raging temperature 发高烧

    21-04-14 名词 temperature 的本意是 温度。英国人常用 have a temperature 来表示 发烧。表达 have a raging temperature 的意思是 发高烧。形容词 raging 在此强调发烧的人体温很高,烧得很严重。 例句 My daughter was awake all night with a raging temperature. 我女儿整...

  • 北京气温创近20年来新低

    21-01-08 The first cold wave in 2021 features a dramatic temperature drop, significant wind-chill effect and prolonged period of low temperature, said Lei Lei, chief forecaster of the Beijing meteorological station. 北京市气象台首席预报员雷蕾表示,2021年第一...

  • 2018夏季平均气温自1961年来最高

    18-08-28 The national average temperature in China this summer reached 22 degrees Celsius, the highest since 1961, with 55 weather monitoring stations posting record high daily temperatures, a meteorological official said on Monday. 一位气象官员周一表示,今...