• 寒潮横扫北美大陆 气温骤降

    14-01-08 Weather records have tumbled across North America, as all 50 US states saw freezing temperatures. 一场寒潮横扫北美大陆,美国50个州的气温都显著下降。 The most extreme arctic blasts, blamed on a weather pattern known as the polar vortex, were said to...

  • 海洋贝壳记录着古代的气候变化

    13-10-28 Climate changes from millions of years ago are recorded at daily rate in ancient sea shells, new research shows. A huge X-ray microscope has revealed growth bands in plankton(浮游生物) shells that show how shell chemistry records the sea temperatu...

  • 太平洋海水温度影响美国龙卷风活动

    13-10-18 Meteorologists often use information about warm and cold fronts to determine whether a tornado will occur in a particular area. Now, a University of Missouri researcher has found that the temperature of the Pacific Ocean could help scientists predic...

  • 智能手机电池可用来众包天气信息

    13-08-14 Smartphones are a great way to check in on the latest weather predictions, but new research aims to use the batteries in those same smartphones to predict the weather. A group of smartphone app developers and weather experts created a way to use the...

  • 动物体内的温度感应器

    13-08-08 Call it the Goldilocks Principle -- animals can survive and reproduce only if the temperature is just right. Too hot and they will overheat. Too cold and they will freeze. To stay in their comfort zone, animals have evolved very sensitive temperatur...

  • 悉尼郊区将成全球变暖影响最大的地区

    13-07-09 Green spaces, trees and bodies of water are must-have design features for future development in Sydney's suburbs after researchers found that by 2050 global warming combined with Sydney's urban heat island effect could increase temperatures by up to...

  • 气温上升促使热带雨林花期繁盛

    13-07-09 A new study led by Florida State University researcher Stephanie Pau shows that tropical forests are producing more flowers in response to only slight increases in temperature. The study examined how changes in temperature, clouds and rainfall affec...

  • 细菌生长如何应对温度变化

    13-06-07 Bioengineers at the University of California, San Diego have developed a computational model of 1,366 genes in E. coli that includes 3D protein structures and has enabled them to compute the temperature sensitivity of the bacterium's proteins. The s...

  • 基因能适应环境温度变化

    13-06-06 The researchers have been tracking the evolution of Drosophila subobscura, a small fly that is very common all over Europe, since 1976. They are focusing on a specific type of genomic variability known as chromosomal inversion polymorphism(倒位多态...

  • 近期全球变暖趋势将延缓

    13-05-20 Scientists say the recent downturn in the rate of global warming will lead to lower temperature rises in the short-term. 科学家称,近期全球变暖趋势的暂缓将造成短期内气温升高的降低。 Since 1998, there has been an unexplained standstill in the heating...