10-08-10 Superconducting materials(超导材料) , which transmit power resistance-free, are found to perform optimally(最佳,最适宜) when high- and low-charge density varies on the nanoscale level, according to research performed at the Department of Energy...
10-06-28 When high-temperature superconductors(超导体) were first announced in the late 1980s, it was thought that they would lead to ultra-efficient magnetic(磁性的) trains and other paradigm-shifting technologies. That didn't happen. Now, a University...
10-05-24 Spanish scientists have analysed the temperature and salt levels of the Western Mediterranean Sea between 1943 and 2000 to study the evolution of each variable. Their research shows that, since at least the 1940s, the deep water has become progressi...
10-04-24 印度官员18日称,印度近期持续遭遇热浪袭击,首都新德里17日最高气温接近44摄氏度,创下52年以来4月气温新高;4月份全国至少有80人死于高温天气。 An Indian woman covers her head with a stole on a hot day in New Delhi on April 16. India sizzled Monday in a he...
10-03-01 Climate models project that the global average temperature will rise about 1C by the middle of the century, if we continue with business as usual and emit greenhouse gases(温室气体) as we have been. The global average, though, does not tell us any...
10-01-09 1月3日北京迎来几十年来最大的一次降雪,昌平区长城附近积雪厚达20厘米。此次大雪导致多条高速封路、数千旅客滞留机场,北京和天津两地的中小学1月4日停课一天。据气象部门预报,今明两天北京的气温将降至零下16摄氏度,为50年以来最低气温。首都国际机场90%以上的航...
09-11-18 Average temperatures across the world are on course to rise by up to 6C without urgent action to curb CO2 emissions, according a new analysis. 一项新调查显示,如果不对二氧化碳的排放进行紧急控制的话,全球平均气温将上升6华氏温度。 Fossil fuel emission...
09-11-13 Spurred by a warming climate, daily record high temperatures occurred twice as often as record lows over the last decade across the continental United States, new research shows. The ratio(比,比率) of record highs to lows is likely to increase dr...
09-10-28 Astronomers can tell just how hot the surface of the moon gets. The side of the moon toward the sun gets two degrees hotter than boiling water. The night side reaches 243 degrees below zero. In an eclipse, the earth's shadow falls on the moon. Then...
09-09-04 Arctic temperatures are now higher than at any time in the last 2,000 years, research reveals. 研究显示,北极圈现在的温度比过去2000年间的任何时间都要高。 Lake sediments contain a record of Arctic temperatures Changes to the Earth's orbit drove centu...