• 了解青少年的大脑发育过程和特点

    21-01-07 直到最近,人们曾以为人类的大脑在幼儿时期结束时就完全停止发育了。然而,在过去的十年间,有研究表明人类的大脑从青春期开始到成年初期的这段时间内仍然在变化。 What were you like as a teenager? I was a nightmare. I was rude to my parents, always stayed out...

  • 研究:韩国青少年全世界最懒

    19-11-25 Teenagers in South Korea are the laziest in the world, according to a global study. 根据一项全球研究,韩国的青少年是全世界最懒的。 A country-by-country breakdown of physical activity levels has revealed just one in five 11 to 17-year-olds get as muc...

  • 英国80%青少年体内有双酚A

    18-02-22 A plastics chemical linked to reduced fertility in men is in the majority of teenagers, research has found. 研究发现,大多数青少年体内都含有一种与男性生育能力下降有关的塑料化合物。 More than 80 percent of teenagers have traces of the chemical compou...

  • TWITs 中嫩族

    15-12-28 We've had WAGS, yuppies and metrosexuals; now meet our newest social phenomenon, TWITs . 我们身边有太太团,雅皮士,还有都市型男,如今,我们又有了一个新的社会群族:中嫩族。 The TWITs are Teenage Women In Their Thirties. 中嫩族也就是3字头少女。 Just l...

  • 巴西警方全力围剿六青少年凶杀案疑犯

    12-09-12 Brazilian police have occupied a Rio de Janeiro shantytown as they hunt for the killers of six teenagers, whose bodies were dumped at the side of a road. 巴西警方占领了里约热内卢一个贫民区,搜寻杀害六名青少年的凶手,他们的尸体被抛弃在路边。 The poli...

  • 多数父母未意识到孩子工作场所存在的危险

    11-06-28 Most parents are unaware of the risks their teenagers face in the workplace and could do more to help them understand and prepare for those hazards, according to a new study. Previous findings have shown that about 80 percent of teens are employed d...

  • 有同伴在场的青少年更容易冒险

    11-01-30 It is well known that teenagers take risks and that when they do, they like to have company. Teens are five times more likely to be in a car accident when in a group than when driving alone, and they are more likely to commit a crime in a group. Now...
