• 海水淡化的前景

    11-08-05 A paper co-authored by William Phillip of the University of Notre Dame's Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Menachem Elimelech, Robert Goizueta Professor of Environmental and Chemical Engineering at Yale University, appearing in...

  • 大多年轻人对科技产品已“上瘾”

    11-04-16 Withdrawal symptoms experienced by young people deprived of gadgets and technology is compared to those felt by drug addicts or smokers going cold turkey, a study has concluded. 一项研究得出结论说,年轻人被迫脱离科技产品时感觉到的症状和瘾君子突然戒...

  • 悉尼部分地区将覆盖无线宽带

    10-11-04 A major CSIRO breakthrough(突破) in wireless technology designed to bring broadband to people living beyond the optical fibre(光学纤维) network, has been unveiled in Sydney. The first half of CSIRO's Ngara technolgy will enable multiple users to...

  • 全息图像技术趋于成熟

    10-11-04 Remember the Star Wars scene in which R2D2 projects a three-dimensional image of a troubled Princess Leia delivering a call for help to Luke Skywalker and his allies? What used to be science fiction is now close to becoming reality thanks to a break...

  • 无痛激光设备可检测某些疾病的早期症状

    10-09-27 Portable devices with painless laser beams could soon replace X-rays as a non-invasive way to diagnose disease. 带有无痛激光束的便携设备可能将迅速取代X射线成为诊断疾病得力工具。 Researchers say that the technique could become widely available in abo...

  • 评估有机太阳能电池的环境影响

    10-09-19 Solar energy could be a central alternative to petroleum-based energy production. However, current solar-cell technology often does not produce the same energy yield(能量输出) and is more expensive to mass-produce. In addition, information on the...

  • 手机无线充电可能于2012年实现

    10-09-18 日本富士通实验室的研究人员开发了一种无线充电系统,可同时给一定范围内的手机、数码相机及手提电脑等各种移动设备充电,无需使用电缆,该系统最早可于2012年正式推出使用。 Mobile phone users will be able to charge their devices wirelessly for the first time...

  • 混合动力汽车前景广阔

    10-09-01 A University of Michigan researcher says it's possible to triple(使成三倍) fuel economy in gasoline-powered cars by 2035, but it'll mean getting our automotive kicks from smart electronic technology and other forms of virtual performance rather th...

  • 最高科技奖

    10-07-20 近日,国家科学技术奖励大会在北京人民大会堂举行,中国科学院院士谷超豪和孙家栋荣膺国家最高科技奖,奖金额为500万元人民币。该奖自2000年设立以来,已有16位科学家获奖。 请看《中国日报》的报道: The nation's top science and technology award for 2009 has bee...

  • 调查:Facebook对女孩生活影响最大

    10-05-19 Facebook has become one of the biggest influences on the lives of girls, according to a survey. 一项调查显示,Facebook成为女孩生活中最具影响力的因素之一。 Girls say social networking is more influential than television or magazines A study of eight...