• 《超能陆战队》第4章

    23-01-28 Tadashi took Hiro to his workstation. He rooted through a drawer and held up a roll of duct tape. Hiro sighed. Hate to break it to you, bro already been invented. Suddenly, Tadashi slapped a piece of the tape on Hiros arm. Hey! Whats your deal? Hiro...

  • 音乐磁带再度流行

    21-06-15 爱听音乐的大有人在,但大家都是怎么听音乐的?当下,在线播放可能是最流行的收听方式,但与此同时,一些怀旧科技却重新流行了起来。 How do you consume your music? What format do you listen to it on? Technology now allows us to stream and download our favou...

  • double eyelids 双眼皮

    20-09-15 首先,眼皮可千万别说成eye skin,正确的用词应该是eyelid[ald]。lid[ld]除了有盖子的意思,还有眼睑的含义。其实我们的眼睑也就像一个盖子一样,能将我们的眼睛盖...

  • 干家务活时一些别出心裁的小技巧

    16-05-14 Fellow slackers have been taking to social media to share their favourite cleaning tricks, ranging from the clever to the downright bizarre - not to mention disgusting. 懒汉们在社交媒体上分享他们最喜欢的清洁技巧,这些诀窍既有巧妙的也有特别怪异的,更...

  • 盒式磁带在美国重新流行

    16-02-23 First LPs and record players made a comeback - now the cassette tape is rewinding back into our lives. 起先是密纹唱片和唱机的重新流行,如今盒式磁带也回到了我们的生活。 Music fans on both sides of the Atlantic are returning to the cassette two decade...

  • 工具箱常用词

    16-02-14 screws 螺丝 tape measure 卷尺 screwdriver 螺丝刀 bolts 螺栓 saw 锯子 washers 垫圈 nuts 螺母 hammer 锤子 wrench 扳手 nails 钉子 utility knife 工具刀 toolbox 工具箱 level 水平 sledgehammer 大锤 drill 钻孔机 tape 胶带 c-clamp C形夹...

  • green tape 环保类条条框框

    14-01-16 Green tape refers to excessive environmental regulations and guidelines that must be followed before an official action can be taken, which may lead to delays and cost blowouts on projects. Green tape指某个项目正式开始之前需要通过大量的环保法规和方...

  • 美国政府回应“本·拉登录音”

    10-01-25 The US has said a tape purported to be from al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden simply repeats hollow justifications for the mass slaughter of innocents. 美国政府称,谣传的基地组织首领奥萨马本拉登流传出的录音,只是简单地重复着为大量屠杀无辜人员进行虚伪...

  • Silvio Berlusconi 'sex tapes' released 意大利总理桃色录音曝

    09-07-29 意大利最具影响力的新闻周刊《L'espresso》20日在网站上公布了一段录音,详细披露了意大利总理贝卢斯科尼与高级三陪女郎帕特里齐亚达达里奥之间的一夜激情后的对话。这段录音是42岁的达达里奥与72岁的贝卢斯科尼在其府邸过夜后录制的,在录音中可以听到达达里奥称赞贝...
