• 习近平:推进法治建设 培养法治人才

    17-05-04 President Xi Jinping on Wednesday called for more efforts in promoting rule of law and cultivating talent for the cause. 本周三,国家主席习近平呼吁大力推进法治建设培养法治人才。 Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC)...

  • 中国杂技演员在英国达人秀大放光彩

    17-04-26 Two Chinese acrobats have been hailed as being bloody amazing after their appearance on British TV over the weekend. 上周末,两名中国杂技演员在英国达人秀舞台上露面,表演后获得评价极其震惊。 The audience of ITVs prime talent show, Britains Got Talent...

  • 凯特王妃被授予皇家摄影协会终身荣誉会员

    17-01-08 Her touching portraits of Prince George and Princess Charlotte delighted a nation. 凯特王妃为乔治王子和夏洛特公主拍的感人照片,受到英国人民的喜爱。 Now the Duchess of Cambridges family snaps have seen her commended by the prestigious Royal Photograp...

  • innovative and entrepreneurial talent 双创人才

    16-07-31 Beijing will allow some skilled workers from home and abroad to obtain permanent residence by accumulating points based on skills, employment history and education credentials. 北京将允许国内外专业技术人才通过积分方式获得永久居留身份,该积分系统包括...

  • 中国金融服务业人才紧缺

    16-06-28 Chinas financial service industry has grown quite rapidly over the past decade, which increases the demand for talented people into this sector. 过去十年间中国金融服务业迅速发展,对该行业人才的需求也因此增加。 Experts who recently participated in a...

  • 《经济学人》2015年度好书科技类

    16-02-15 Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner A scientific analysis of the ancient art of divination which shows that forecasting is a talent; luckily it can be learned. You need a healthy appetite for informatio...

  • Stick to your special talents

    14-05-15 You were born with a special talent. It may be to sing, write, teach, paint, mentor, preach, defend or befriend. You have something special to offer the world, something you can do better than 10,000 others. You must keep learning and trying new thi...

  • “大材小用”的翻译

    13-02-01 大材小用:a great talent gone to waste 有时也作大才小用,这里译为a great talent gone to waste,除此之外,我们还常译为big talent wasted on a petty job; not do justice to one's talents。同类表达还有屈才(do work unworthy of one's talents)。大材等同于...

  • 励志名句 2

    12-04-02 Failure is the mother of success. -- Thomas Paine 失败乃成功之母。 There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power. - --- Balzac 没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。 -- 巴尔扎克 The good seaman is known in bad weather. 惊涛骇浪,方...

  • A Prodigy's Early Years

    09-11-26 As a boy growing up in Shenyang, China, I practiced the piano six hours a day. I loved the instrument. My mother, Xiu-lan Zhou, taught me to read notes, and my father, Guo-ren Lang, concertmaster(首席小提琴手) of a local folk orchestra(管弦乐队)...