• take up 开始参与新活动

    21-05-08 动词搭配 take up 的意思是 开始参与一项新的活动、开始培养一个新的兴趣爱好。Take up 后面接表示体育或文化活动的名词或动名词,比如 take up jogging 开始慢跑、take up photography 开始学习摄影 等等。注意,这个搭配多指开始长期进行一个活动或培养一个兴趣爱好...

  • “吃”除了“eat”,还能怎么表达?

    20-10-17 说到吃,很多同学脑子里能蹦出来的永远只有eat一个词,但汉语中的吃会有很多不同的含义,绝不是一个eat就能够准确表达的,大家应该根据不同的情景和意义给予恰当的表达: 1.译作take或have The patient cant take food yet. 病人还不能吃饭。 We are having dinner no...

  • take off的三种用法

    20-10-15 Take off is a phrasal verb. This means it is a verb (take) followed by a particle (off). Phrasal verbs are tricky because they can have many different meanings depending on the context. Take off 是一个动词短语,它由动词 take 和小品词 off 组成。动词...

  • “背锅”用英语怎么说?

    17-06-19 take the blame for sb. take在这里表示承受的意思,blame是责备之义;for sb./sth. 是介词短语,表示为某人,整个短语就是为他人承受责备,就是背锅。 Why should I take the blame for others? 我为什么要代人受过? to become a scapegoat for sb. 我不应该成为他的...

  • spit take 笑喷

    17-03-14 The act itself is familiar to anyone whos ever watched comedy: One character takes a swig or bite of something just as another character says or does something shocking or outrageous, causing the first character to spew out the contents of his or he...

  • 与嘴有关的习语

    15-06-18 down in (at) the mouth 垂头丧气 from mouth to mouth 口口相传,广泛流传 put words in (to) someone's mouth 教人怎么说,诬指某人说过某话 stop someone's mouth 使某人缄默 take the words out of someone's mouth 抢先说某人想说的话 from the horse's mouth (...

  • take 带去 bring 带来

    15-06-08 Take to move or go with someone or something from one place to another 简单说就是把某个东西或某人,从这里带去另一个地方。 例: 1. Don't forget to take your umbrella. 别忘记带走你的...

  • Be the Future

    14-10-13 We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose page are infinite... I do not who wrote those words, but I allways likes them as a reminder that the future van be anything We want to take it. We can take the mysterious, hazy futu...

  • take sides 站队

    13-01-14 The United States said on Monday that it would not take sides in the Huangyan Island standoff between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea and reiterated support for a diplomatic resolution to the territorial dispute. 美国于本周一表示,...

  • Two Pieces of Cake 两块蛋糕

    10-06-17 Two Pieces of Cake Tom: Mom, can I have two pieces of cake, please? Mom: Certainly -- take this piece and cut it two! 两块蛋糕 汤姆:妈妈,我可以吃两块蛋糕吗? 妈妈:当然可以----拿这块蛋糕把它切成两块吧!...