• take the long view 着眼长远

    22-12-01 短语 take the long view 的意思是 从长远的角度看,考虑某件事情的长期影响,而不只是现在发生的事情。 例句 To assess whether the business has been successful, we must take the long view. 要评估业务是否成功,我们必须考虑长期的影响。 To make money, you ne...

  • Take it on me! 这是我的,请用吧!

    22-06-09 意思是:这是我的,请用吧!这是免费的(help yourself to it; it is free),这多半是指吃的东西或一些不贵重的东西。例如: Here are some candies from England; take one on me. (这是来自英国的糖果,尝一个吧!) (one = candy) The restaurant owner said to me, T...

  • do a double take 因惊讶而再看一眼

    22-05-07 Do a double take Definition: look twice at someone or something because you are surprised 定义:因惊讶而再看一眼 She did a double take when he walked into the room. 他走进房间时,她惊讶地又看了他一眼。 Did you see that man do a double take as he loo...

  • crack on 继续做下去

    22-04-28 crack on 继续做下去 例句: Here, Laura. Take my place. 劳拉,到这来,坐我的位置。 Thats Ok. You crack on. 没关系。你们继续。 Notes: crack on (with something)表示努力做某事,继续下去,例句如下: If I crack on with my homework I could finish it tonigh...

  • take it easy on somebody 温和对待某人

    22-04-28 take it easy on somebody 表示温和对待某人 例句: He comes in here all the time. Take it easy on him. 他是这里的常客,请好好跟他说。 Notes: take it easy on somebody表示温和地对某人,不要太严厉,放轻松。例如: Youve been working so hard these days. Ta...

  • raincheck

    22-02-15 商店搞促销,热门商品很快地就被抢购一空。如果你还想买,中国的商家一定会说:卖完了就卖完了,我也没办法。 可是美国的规定很有意思,这样特价品卖完了没关系,你可以去跟店员领一张raincheck,等到他们补货后(也许过了促销期),你还是可以凭借raincheck去买到心仪...