• The Godfather 教父 Chapter 1

    22-09-14 Amerigo Bonasera sat in New York Criminal Court Number and waited for justice; vengeance on the men who had so cruelly hurt his daughter, who had tried to dishonor her. The judge, a formidably heavy-featured man, rolled up the sleeves of his black r...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第13章

    22-09-07 Every thug in the room eyed the reward mentioned on the poster. All heads turned in Flynns direction with a keen interest. Its him, all right, one thug said. Greno, go find some guards. That rewards gonna buy me a new hook, a one-armed thug said, li...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 36

    22-07-18 A few days later Philip went to London. The curate had recommended rooms in Barnes, and these Philip engaged by letter at fourteen shillings a week. He reached them in the evening; and the landlady, a funny little old woman with a shrivelled body an...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 30

    22-07-18 Philip was restless and dissatisfied. Haywards poetic allusions troubled his imagination, and his soul yearned for romance. At least that was how he put it to himself. And it happened that an incident was taking place in Frau Erlins house which incr...

  • 词组是否含有定冠词the意义大不同 上

    22-07-04 1. 词组in the front of和in front of都有在前面的意思,但含义不同。in the front of表示在(范围内的)前面;而in front of表示在(范围外的)前面。如: He likes to sit in the front of the classroom. 他喜欢坐在教室的前排。 There is a pond in front of the h...

  • 预定餐厅

    22-06-14 当你找到想去的餐厅时,却发现早已人满为患了,门口还排了长长的队伍是不是很心塞?不妨提前跟餐厅打个电话预定一下吧!用英语打个电话我会紧张死的!想必这是很多小伙伴的心声,不要担心!参考下面的餐厅预定英文吧~ Do I need a reservation? 我需要预约位子吗? Id l...

  • bring to the table 提供建议,带来价值

    22-05-20 短语 bring something to the table(把某样东西端上台面) 的意思是 提出一些有益于他人或激发讨论的建议,或提供有助于他人的特殊技能,常在商务语境中使用。 例句 Thanks for bringing the issue to the table well have a look at how we can improve our internal...

  • Make of that what you will. 你看着办吧。

    22-05-07 Make of that what you will. 你看着办吧。 Notes: 我们都很熟悉的一个短语be made of的意义是由制作。例如: This table is made of wood. 这张桌子是木头做的。 make of 的意义和前者一点关系都没有。它表示理解,对有某种看法。例如: What do you make of this let...

  • 就餐必备英语口语

    22-04-08 1.Id like to reserve a table for dinner. 我想预定晚餐的座位。 Reserve本意保留;预订。在确认订单时则会用confirm ones reservation。同样地,book也可用来表达预订的意思。如:book a room。 西餐中越高档的饭店越需要事先预约。预约时,不仅要说清人数和时间,也...

  • 好吃 上

    22-03-11 1. yummy /jmi/ 好吃的; 美味的 小朋友最爱说的就是yummy,听起来很可爱,也很有韵律。 Well, I believe it is safe. Wow! Just look at those yummy-looking tomatoes! 唔,我相信它是安全的。哇! 瞧瞧那些看起来很美味的西红柿! 2. tasty /test/ n. 可口的东西; adj....