• beside和besides

    22-02-23 虽然beside和besides在拼写上只差一个字母s,但它们的意思和用法却完全不同。它们的不同点具体是什么? 用法总结 1 Beside是介词,表物理方位在旁边,相当于更正式一点的next to。 Put the chair beside the table. Come and sit beside me. The cinema is beside the...

  • 去餐厅需要的常用口语

    22-02-22 首先进入餐厅,你很有可能会看到这样的一个标志:Please wait to be seated. 看到这个标志的话,你就不要想着体谅服务生的忙碌自己找个位置就坐下了。乖乖地在门口等一会儿就会有人来接待你的。 服务生一般会先问你: Do you have a reservation? 请问你有预定吗? 如...

  • 形容食物好吃 下

    22-01-29 9. toothsome /tu:s()m/美味的 吃饭除了要靠嘴和手,牙齿更是少不了的,所以形容东西可口还能用toothsome这个词。 To be honest, the family dish is toothsome. 说实话,这道家常菜真的很美味。 10.good-tasting口感好的 One way of persuading people to drink sensi...

  • 东京一家酒店推出“灯笼聚餐”服务

    21-10-26 日本东京决定从10月25日起全面解封,不再限制餐饮业营业时间,但预计口罩生活还将持续一段时间。由于很多人厌倦戴着口罩聚餐,东京一家酒店突发奇想,推出灯笼聚餐服务。 据日本媒体报道,这家酒店将向有需要的客人提供一个悬挂在天花板上的大灯笼,客人可在这个灯笼内...

  • lay your cards on the table 摊牌

    21-08-30 短语 lay (or put) your cards on the table 的意思是摊牌,也就是开诚布公地把自己的思想、感情和意图说出来。 例句 I think its time to lay your cards on the table. Tell me honestly why you dont like my new boyfriend. Sue laid her cards on the table and t...

  • under the table 秘密的行为

    21-08-26 短语 under the table 用来形容秘密的行为,尤其是那种背地里,偷偷进行的腐败不法行为。 例句 If you want to open a business in a country where there is a lot of corruption, you may have to make under the table payments to officials. Tony was a terrible...

  • 《玩具总动员》第8章

    21-06-23 Tangled in dusty Christmas lights, Woody crawled through the mountains of junk in the closet and finally tumbled out into the hall. Buzz? he called out softly. The coast is clear. Buzz, where are you? Buzzs voice echoed from down the hall: Theres a...

  • 面试时做过的疯狂事3

    21-05-07 CEO Founder: So, since you worked at X, you must know Ms Y 总裁兼创始人:所以,既然你在X公司工作过,那你一定认识Y女士。 Me: Oh, I do know her. Quite a nut case if you ask me. 我:哦,我当然认识她,要我说,她就是个疯子。 (4 managing partners around t...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 10

    21-05-06 A quarter of an hour, twenty minutes, passed away, and Fanny was still thinking of Edmund, Miss Crawford, and herself, without interruption from any one. She began to be surprised at being left so long, and to listen with an anxious desire of hearin...

  • lazy Susan 餐桌转盘

    21-03-13 经常和亲朋好友外出聚餐的朋友对此肯定不陌生吧~ 在一些餐厅,尤其是中式餐厅里,餐桌上的转盘非常常见,也为手短夹不到菜的朋友提供了便利。 但是转盘跟苏珊又有什么关系呢?转盘看起来也不懒吧? 其实呀,这种转盘最早出现在18世纪的中期。一开始被称作是dumb waiter...