• 《神偷奶爸3》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. Sorry, my bad. 抱歉,我的错。 2. Im flooded with so many memories. 无数回忆涌上心头。 3. Dont take that tone with me! 不许你用那种口气和我说话! 4. Sweet talker. 嘴巴真甜。 5. Armed to the teeth! 全副武装! 6. Getting my sea legs, matie! 还在适应新...

  • 如何表达花言巧语

    22-06-14 1. Flattery 最直接地表示恭维、奉承。 例:I take his compliments as a form of flattery; they didnt sound very sincere. 我觉得他的恭维话是一种阿谀奉承,不太真诚。 2. (With) tongue in cheek 这个短语指(说话)无诚意地,说着玩儿地,言不由衷地,虚情假意地。...

  • 形容性格的词汇-名词篇

    22-06-07 1. wallflower: 壁花;害羞、不擅社交的人,多指女孩 I met this gorgeous girl, a bit of a wallflower, but very sweet. 我见过这个美女,虽然有点害羞,但人很好。 2. weirdo: 怪人 What did he mean by that? Weirdo! 他那是什么意思?怪咖! 3. drama queen: 小题...

  • lovers' prattle或sweet nothings 情话

    22-04-26 为什么情话是 lovers prattle 或 sweet nothings ,而不能直译为love words? 情书是love letter,情歌是love song,情话可不能想当然地翻译成love words。prattle的意思是东拉西扯或者(小孩般)咿咿呀呀的话,所以lovers prattle来形容爱人间孩子气的废话很合适。Swe...

  • 常见的“无酒精软饮料”英语名称

    21-09-29 Dry January 是由英国慈善机构发起的 一月戒酒活动,这个活动鼓励在圣诞节、元旦假日期间大量饮酒的人们在节后戒一段时间酒,同时试图帮助人们改变长期的饮酒习惯。组织该活动的目的是劝诫人们珍爱健康、适度饮酒。你知道 非酒精饮料 non-alcholic drinks 在英语里有哪...

  • sweet talk 甜言蜜语

    21-08-30 甜言蜜语,汉语成语,意思是像蜜糖一样甜的话。比喻为了讨人喜欢或哄骗人而说好听的话。可以翻译为sweet words and honeyed phrases,sweet talk等。 例句: 她被他的甜言蜜语哄得溜溜转。 With his honeyed words, he made her obediently do as she was told. 他们的...

  • blandishments 花言巧语

    21-08-13 花言巧语,汉语成语,原指铺张修饰、内容空泛的言语或文辞,后多指用来骗人的虚伪动听的话。可以翻译为blandishments,sweet [honeyed] words或slick talk等。 例句: 花言巧语的推销员 a slick salesman 这些花言巧语都是骗人的。 All these fine words are nothing b...

  • 关于sweet的实用习语

    21-05-21 1. sweet on sb Definition: to like someone very much in a romantic way 定义:深爱,钟情于某人 Shes still sweet on him after all this time! 过了这么久她仍然深爱着他。 2. go your own (sweet) way Definition: to do what you want without considering othe...

  • 肥胖之地

    21-03-06 Im glad Im not alone. The number of people in the world who are obese or overweight has topped 2.1 billion, up from 875 million in 1980, according to figures published in a medical journal The Lancet. Im a fat Londoner one of many fat Londoners, it...

  • 爱吃甜食给健康带来的隐患

    21-02-23 人人都听说过甜食吃多了对健康有害。研究发现食糖过量确实会引起一系列相关疾...