• 空间站驻留3个月期间 航天员们都吃什么

    21-06-24 6月17日18时48分,航天员聂海胜、刘伯明、汤洪波先后进入天和核心舱,标志着中国人首次进入自己的空间站。在空间站驻留3个月期间,航天员们都吃什么呢? There are more than 120 kinds of food and beverages inside the core module, named Tianhe, or Harmony of He...

  • 《玩具总动员》第4章

    21-06-23 The next morning, Woody woke up stiff and sore. Darkness surrounded him. For a moment he couldnt remember where he was. Then it all came back to him. Andys room which had been decorated with cowboy posters and drawings, even a cowboy bedspread, for...

  • 自然资源部发布《钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿地形地貌调查报告》

    21-04-27 4月26日,自然资源部在官方网站和钓鱼岛专题网站发布其组织编写的《钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿地形地貌调查报告》(a landform survey report on the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands)。 Based on historical data, the survey obtained new terrain data of the D...

  • 威廉王子获评世界最性感的光头男人

    21-03-30 最近外媒评选世界最性感的光头男人,威廉王子击败迈克尔乔丹、布鲁斯威利斯和巨石强森等对手荣获第一名。但也有网友表示不服,认为斯坦利图齐也应该在榜单上有一席之地。 On Saturday, the UK publication The Sun published a story claiming that Prince William is...

  • 男性会跳舞吗?

    21-02-10 市场调研机构 YouGov 替 BBC 体育电台做了一份就男性是否跳舞的调查。在参加调查的一千名男性中,有超过三成的男性说他们几乎从来没有跳过舞。导致这一现象的原因到底是男性不会跳舞,还是他们不想跳舞? Are men able to dance? Well, if I am an example, then no I...

  • 调查:头脑风暴不利于出创意

    20-01-23 Perhaps more than any other category of professionals, creative types are expected to thrive in brainstorms. In the publics imagination, their offices are filled with fidget toys and Post-it notes in an array of colors, all meant to absorb some of t...

  • 工作时听古典音乐可以提高效率

    19-12-05 The next time youre struggling to finish up a task at work, throwing on some Bach or Beethoven may worth a try. Thats the main conclusion of an experiment on British workers that found listening to classical music at work can improve productivity by...

  • 中国21.4%的快递员每天工作超12小时

    19-03-04 Nearly half of Chinese couriers have to work 10 to 12 hours a day, and 21.4 percent of them say their daily work time exceeds 12 hours, according to a recent survey. 最近一项调查显示,中国大约一半的快递员每天工作10至12小时,21.4%的快递员每天工作超过...

  • 中国开始第四次经济普查

    19-01-02 Chinas fourth national economic census entered its registration phase on the New Years Day. 2019年元旦中国第四次全国经济普查进入注册阶段。 The survey, launched every five years, will cover all businesses involved in the secondary and tertiary indust...

  • 朝韩将联合进行铁路巡检

    18-11-28 South Korea and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) had agreed to conduct a joint inspection on railways across the border from Nov. 30, Seouls unification ministry said Wednesday. 首尔统一部周三表示,11月30日期朝鲜韩国将对跨境铁路进行一...