• Gender identity 性别认同

    22-10-12 Gender identity 性别认同 首字母缩写词 AFAB 和 AMAB 现被牛津辞典网站平台收录,它们分别表示assigned female at birth / 天生女性和assigned male at birth / 天生男性。当某人的性别认同与自身出生的天生性别相反时而使用这两个词,例如,this show portrayed both...

  • 同学聚会——闲话同学

    22-05-27 **说说双方都比较熟悉的人: 15. Have you kept in touch with Armando? 你和阿满还有联系吗? 16. Whats Peggy up to these days? 不知道佩佩现在在干嘛? **聊一聊同学的八卦: 17. Did you hear about Ernies knee surgery? 你听说了吗?二狗膝盖动手术了。 18. You...

  • 广电总局停播“美容贷”及类似广告

    21-10-01 前段时间电视剧《扫黑风暴》热播,剧中美丽贷因涉嫌套路贷,被警方连窝端掉的情节给人留下深刻印象。类似的骗局在现实生活中也时有上演,有时候甚至更危险、更隐秘,威胁着消费者的人身和财产安全。 9月27日,国家广播电视总局办公厅发布关于停止播出美容贷及类似广告...

  • 阿司匹林可能有助对抗部分乳腺癌类型

    21-09-17 医生表示,阿司匹林或许能够有助对抗侵袭性乳腺癌,让那些很难治疗的肿瘤对某些抗癌药物产生更积极的反应。 Around one in five breast cancers are triple-negative. Its a type that hormone treatment and most targeted cancer drugs dont work against. 大约五分...

  • 一张新面孔

    21-02-27 Everybody has looked in the mirror at some point in their lives and thought they could do with a smaller nose or fewer wrinkles. Almost 10 million operations were performed in 2014, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery...

  • imagined ugliness 想象丑陋

    20-12-26 照镜子时总觉得自己不好看,鼻子不够高,眼睛不够大,嘴型也不够美?经常抱有这种心理的人其实是患有想丑综合征,好多自己严重的缺陷都是想象出来的。专业人士表示,这是一种心理障碍,得治。 Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder; but so, alas, is its opposit...

  • 全球首例儿童双手移植手术获成功

    17-07-22 The first child in the world to undergo a double hand transplant has been able to fulfil his dream of swinging a baseball bat. 全球首个接受双手移植的儿童已经实现了他挥动棒球球棒的梦想。 A Lancet study reveals that the global first has been classed a...

  • surgiholic 整形狂人

    16-12-11 Surgiholic is a person who seeks plastic surgery, from head to toe, and is never satisfied. 整形狂人指的是总爱做整形手术的人,从头到脚都要做,而且从不满足。 Some are patients Sevinor dubs surgiholics, who start at the top, work their way down, and r...

  • perma-youth 由整容手术来维持的外表

    16-04-20 Perma-youth (also seen as permayouth) is appearance of youthfulness maintained over time by using cosmetic surgery; or a person who maintains such an appearance. Perma-youth指的是由整容手术来维持的青春永驻的外表或面貌,也可以指青春永驻的人。这个词由...

  • 韩国掀起一股给宠物做美容热潮

    15-10-13 Move over, humans, it seems animals need makeovers too. Its all the rage in South Korea right now as pet owners are actually paying for cosmetic surgery for their furry companions! 人类,麻烦腾点地儿,看起来动物们也需要化妆美容。主人花钱给宠物做美容...