• 琼·里弗斯语录

    15-08-23 I don't excercise. If God had wanted me to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor. 我从不锻炼。如果上帝想让我弯弯腰,那他必须在地上铺满钻石。 The fashion magazines are suggesting that women wear clothes that are 'age appropriate.' For me...

  • 胃旁路手术降低患者的酒精耐受度

    15-08-07 Y gastric bypass surgery reached certain blood alcohol concentrations in half the number of drinks compared to women who didn't have the surgery, and reported a greater feeling of drunkenness, according to a study published online by JAMA Surgery. R...

  • 韩国逮捕11名非法整形中介

    15-05-27 Eleven illegal brokers in South Korea's plastic surgery industry have been detained and more than 150 others have been banned from leaving the country on suspicion of engaging in unlawful practices, South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported on Tue...

  • 朱莉摘除卵巢和输卵管 预防癌变

    15-03-27 Actress Angelina Jolie has had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed as a preventative measure against cancer. 女星安吉丽娜朱莉摘除了卵巢和输卵管,以预防器官癌变。 Writing in the New York Times, Jolie said she chose to have the surgery as she carr...

  • mommy makeovers 妈咪整容术

    14-12-23 Cosmetic surgery aimed at making a mother look the way she did before she had children. 妈咪整容术的目的在于使生育过的女性看上去如同未生育过一样青春美貌。 So-called mommy makeovers can involve a variety of procedures, but often involve tummy tucks t...

  • Cinderella “灰姑娘”手术

    14-12-17 Cinderella is a cosmetic surgery procedure to help the feet fit into a particular shoe or shoe style. 灰姑娘手术指为了穿上某双鞋或某种鞋而进行的整形手术。 Example: Dr. Sadrieh's menu of commonly-requested treatments include: Toe Tucks (shortening o...

  • 对自身体重的感觉影响减肥手术的成败

    14-10-27 Negative feelings about one's own weight, known as internalized weight bias, influence the success people have after undergoing weight loss surgery, according to research appearing in the journal Obesity Surgery, published by Springer. The study, fr...

  • 减肥手术能使肥胖的人减少患癌风险

    14-06-06 Weight loss surgery might have more value than simply helping morbidly obese people to shed unhealthy extra pounds. It reduces their risk of cancer to rates almost similar to those of people of normal weight. This is the conclusion of the first comp...

  • 术后恢复期 男性疼痛感更强

    14-06-03 Men feel more pain than women while recovering from major surgery, a study suggests. 研究显示,在术后恢复期,男性的疼痛感比女性更强烈。 More than 10,000 patients were monitored after operations, including heart or abdominal(腹部的) surgery, at a h...

  • 自拍风潮影响面部整形

    14-03-21 Plastic surgeons say they're seeing more patients who want facial surgery, and they attribute the rise to social media and the growing selfie trend. 整形外科医务人员表示现在越来越多的病人想要进行面部整形,他们认为之所以会出现这种现象,是因为受到当下...