13-08-07 Showrooming is the practice of going to a conventional store to look at a product and then buying it online for a cheaper price. Showrooming指先到传统实体店查看某件商品,然后到网上以较低的价格将该商品购入的行为,我们可以称之为先逛店后网购。 There ar...
13-03-29 A gluten-free, wheat-free store in Australia has come under fire for charging customers A$5 just for looking at products on display. 澳大利亚一家不含谷蛋白和小麦的食品专卖店因为向那些只看不买的顾客收取5澳元的费用而受到抨击。 Celiac Supplies store si...
13-03-27 A Dominican immigrant who won $338m in a US lottery draw has spoken of his joy upon realising he had hit the jackpot. 一名多米尼加移民在美国彩票抽奖中获得3.38亿美元,当他知道中奖后非常高兴。 Pedro Quezada said he had woken up at 5:00 and left at 23:...
13-01-31 A brunette(深色的) , a redhead, and a blonde were robbing a supermarket when a police officer walked in the store. The three women decide to hide in three potato sacks. The cop kicks the first bag, and the brunette says, meow, the cop says, oh, it...
12-11-08 A multi-storey department store has collapsed in the capital of Ghana, Accra, trapping dozens of people in the rubble. 加纳首都阿克拉一座多层百货商店发声坍塌,数十人被困于废墟之中。 Rescue efforts are continuing, with officials saying that at least...
11-12-05 A shoplifter(商店扒手) was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from a jewelry store. Listen, said the shoplifter, I know you don't want any trouble either. What do you say I just buy the watch, and we forget about this? The manager agreed an...
11-08-18 Judge: I don't understand why you broke into the same store three nights in a row. Prisoner: Well, Your Honor, I picked out a dress for my wife, and I had to change it twice because she didn't like the style. 法官:我真不明白你为什么连续三天夜里闯入...
10-09-14 Midway Tactics Three competing store owners rented adjoining(毗连的) shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem(故意的伤害罪,蓄意的破坏) to ensue. The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, Gigantic Sale! and Super Bargains! The stor...
09-10-23 Windows 7 packages sold at a rate of three per minute during a special midnight opening of an electrical store to mark the launch. 为纪念Windows 7发布而特别设立的电讯商店,在某个特别的午夜,Windows 7安装包发售速率达到每分钟三套。 More than 500 peopl...
09-08-16 近日,动画片《麦兜武当》的主创计划推出一系列基于该电影的产品,并打算把麦兜打造成有竞争力的国内卡通品牌。今后我们不仅能够在大荧屏上看到可爱的小猪麦兜,我们还能去听麦兜音乐会,看麦兜的书和麦兜音乐剧,还能买到可爱的麦兜玩具。 请看《上海日报》的报道: A...