• a stepping stone to success 敲门砖

    21-11-15 敲门砖,字面意思指拣来敲门、门开后即被丢弃的砖头(brick picked up to knock on the door and thrown away when it has served its purpose)。常用来比喻世人借以猎取功名的工具(thing used as a means for fame and position),一达目的,即可抛弃。 与敲门砖意...

  • a stone's throw 一步之遥

    21-07-13 想把一块石头扔到远处不是件易事,因此,英语表达a stones throw 掷石之距用来比喻两个地点之间非常近,类似于汉语成语一步之遥、一箭之地等。人们常用这个说法来描述相隔咫尺却无法用准确的数字形容的距离。 例句 How come youre always late? You live just a stones...

  • cast in stone 板上钉钉

    21-06-06 板上钉钉,汉语成语,本义指在石板上钉上铁钉(nail the slate with nails),比喻事情已经决定,不能改变或事情已经成了事实。与英文惯用语cast in stone意思相近,表示Completely set, unchangeable; not subject to any amendment or alteration。 例句: 他只是提...

  • kill two birds with one stone 一举两得

    20-12-27 一举两得,汉语成语,意思是做一件事,能同时得到两方面的好处。与英文习语 kill two birds with one stone意思相似,表示achieve two ends with a single effort;to solve two problems with one action or solution。 例句: 骑自行车上班既可以锻炼身体,又能减少...

  • 埃及弯曲金字塔1965年以来首次向游客开放

    19-07-15 Egypt on Saturday opened two of its oldest pyramids, located about 25 miles (40 kilometers) south of the capital Cairo, to visitors for the first time since 1965. 埃及周六向游客开放两座最古老的金字塔,这两座金字塔位于开罗南部25英里(40公里),是1965...

  • 圆明园石柱加加固防倒塌

    18-05-24 The surviving remnants of columns and gates in Beijings Yuanmingyuan - or Old Summer Palace - will be reinforced to prevent them from collapsing, Thursdays China Daily reported. 《中国日报》周四报道,北京圆明园远瀛观幸存的石柱与石门将被加固以防倒塌...

  • 哈尔滨市海关查获大量走私象牙

    17-04-12 Over a ton of smuggled ivory has been seized by customs in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. 黑龙江省哈尔滨市海关查获一批重逾一吨的走私象牙。 In addition to the ivory, 73kg of woolly rhino horns and 1.11 tons of nephrite jade were also captured during...

  • 59.6克拉粉红之星拍卖成交价7100万美元

    17-04-06 A rare diamond known as the Pink Star has been sold in Hong Kong for more than $71m (57m), setting a new world record for any gemstone at auction. 在香港最近一次拍卖会上,一颗名为粉红之星的珍贵钻石以7100万美元(4.9亿元人民币)的成交价刷新了全球宝石...

  • The Ghost at the Crossroads

    16-06-30 There is a village with several households in a wild land. Nobody from the village would go near the crossroads after midnight. Everyone said the place was haunted, and lots of people said they had seen a white woman figure there -- a horrible one-e...

  • A Final Ease

    16-03-15 A Final Ease Barry Spacks After the vaunting reach for gold, feeling no need for a curtain-call, I'd leave the stage with ardor cooled as Sisyphus, at the foot of the hill, might give it all up, the crazy rote of shove and sweat he'd always known, c...