• Fire Sermon

    13-12-19 Fire Sermon Robert Gray The lissome(柔软的) bay is silvered slightly, in its supine lightness; a stocking-textured water takes the morning's cerise(樱桃色) . But soon, between the headlands, sea and sky are solid blues that have closed, almost s...

  • 水能逐个分子溶解结晶石头

    13-12-06 Scientists from Rice University and the University of Bremen's Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM) in Germany have combined cutting-edge experimental techniques and computer simulations to find a new way of predicting how water dissolve...

  • Dudley goes to Dinosaur Park

    13-09-16 One day, Sammy went for a walk in the mountains. He found a stone. It looked like a big egg. He took it home and put it by the window. One morning, Sammy heard a noise. The stone broke open. It was really an egg! A small animal climbed out and looke...

  • 铁石心肠怎么翻

    13-06-26 原文: 他自以为这信措词凄婉,打得动铁石心肠。谁知道父亲信来痛骂一顿:吾不惜重资,命汝千里负笈,汝埋头攻读之不暇,而有余闲照镜耶?(钱钟书 - 《围城》) 译文: Since he felt the wording of the letter was sad and entreating enough to move a heart of st...

  • 英语谚语的译法

    13-05-08 学好谚语,对于英语的提高非常有帮助,一些谚语如果能够做到信手拈来,会让你的文采增色不少。比较谚语的中文和英文,也会让你体会到不同文化之间很多道理都是相同的。有的智慧是如此的相似,简直如出一辙。不得不感慨人类之伟大。 Rome was not built in a day. 罗马...

  • 生命的波纹

    12-11-28 My grandfather took me to the fish pond on the farm when I was about seven, and he told me to throw a stone into the water. He told me to watch the circles created by the stone. Then he asked me to think of myself as that stone. You may create lots...

  • 50万年前人类开始使用石头武器

    12-11-16 A University of Toronto-led team of anthropologists has found evidence that human ancestors used stone-tipped weapons for hunting 500,000 years ago -- 200,000 years earlier than previously thought. This changes the way we think about early human ada...

  • Love of Life

    12-11-14 Two men walked slowly, one after the other, through the shallow water of a stream. All they could see were stones and earth. The stream ran cold over their feet. They had blanket packs on their backs. They had guns, but no bullets; matches, but no f...

  • 《红楼梦》英译名

    12-10-31 《红楼梦》的书名在其170多年的英文翻译历史中曾出现九种译法,但大多译为Dream of the Red Chamber(红色阁楼之梦),以及A Dream of Red Mansions(红色宅院之梦)。九大英文译本中,唯独霍克斯将其定名为 The Story of the Stone (石头记),笔者认为只有他翻译正...

  • 英国机构退出二维码墓碑

    12-09-17 在科技发达的今天,连墓碑也可以智能化了。英国一家丧葬机构推出一款配有二维码的墓碑,对逝者身份感兴趣的吊唁者只要用智能手机扫描二维码,手机屏幕上就会出现一个关于逝者生平、照片、视频以及亲友悼词的网页。 A funeral home in Britain is attaching tiny digita...