• 哪些语句可以用来形容“铁公鸡”

    20-10-14 1 S/hes so tight-fisted! 她/他这人太吝啬了! 合成形容词tight-fisted的字面意思是攥紧拳头的。它用人把钱紧紧地握在手里的样子来比喻一个人不愿意花钱,很抠门。 2 S/hes really stingy! 她/他这人很小气! 在口语中,形容词stingy被用来指责一个人吝啬。 3 S/hes s...

  • Tightfisted Till the End 本性难移

    11-10-07 When a very miserly(吝啬的) man nicknamed the stingy ghost died and went to hell, the Yama King reproached(责斥) him, saying, You stingy ghost! When you were alive, you clung hard to everything and wouldn't give to anyone. Even when you saw othe...
