• 32个英式日常表达 3

    22-05-20 17、Bangs 英国人吐槽:用bangs表示刘海???Hes growing bangs??? 英式表达:Hes growing a fringe. 18、Take-out 英国人吐槽:英国人完全不会说takeout(外卖),你要是在这儿的话,一定要入乡随俗哈! 英式表达:takeaway! 19、ridiculosity 英国人吐槽:Ridiculosity是...

  • statement jewelry 宣言珠宝

    14-11-20 Statement jewelry is a jewelry that allows women to define their own style and stand out as individuals. People use accessories, mainly jewelry, to make statements about who they are and what they value. 宣言珠宝就是让女人能展现自我风格、傲立群芳的...

  • 杰克逊意外死亡案的相关证词“前后不一致”

    10-03-24 A lawyer acting for Dr Conrad Murray, who is charged with the involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson, has criticised a leaked witness statement. 康拉德莫里医生因过失杀害迈克尔杰克逊而被起诉的一位代理律师批判相关部门泄露了目击者证词。 Dr Murray...
