• Party building 党的建设

    13-08-21 All Party members must focus on strengthening the Party's governance capacity, advanced nature and purity. 全党要牢牢把握加强党的执政能力建设、先进性和纯洁性建设这条主线。 Combating corruption and promoting political integrity, which is a major poli...

  • 伊利诺伊州将允许非公开携带枪支

    13-07-10 Illinois has become the last state in the US to allow residents to carry concealed handguns, after lawmakers overrode the governor's veto. 伊利诺伊州立法委员推翻了州长的否决,成为美国最后一个允许居民非公开携带枪支的州。 Large majorities in the state...

  • 力是颗粒状态转换的关键

    13-02-18 Ever wonder why sand can both run through an hourglass(沙漏) like a liquid and be solid enough to support buildings? It's because granular(颗粒的) materials -- like sand or dirt -- can change their behavior, or state. Researchers from North Caro...

  • purple state 紫色州

    13-01-24 A purple state is a state with a vote which is typically closely divided between Democratic and Republican candidates at election time. As a result, such states can become important areas for electoral contests, with candidates fighting to get the m...

  • 三顾茅庐

    12-08-27 In the third century, China was divided into three kingdoms: Wei in the north, Shu in the southwest and Wu in the southeast. Shu was a weak state. The head of Shu, Liu Bei, was searching for talents everywhere for the kingdom. He heard of a very wis...

  • 澳大利亚新南威尔士州爆发洪灾

    12-03-01 Torrential rain has brought flooding to the Australian state of New South Wales and forced evacuations in some areas. 暴雨导致澳大利亚新南威尔士州爆发洪灾,部分地区居民被迫撤离灾区。 Large parts of the state were either flooded or under threat, loca...

  • 玛雅瓦蒂建议四分印度北方邦

    11-11-16 The chief minister of India's Uttar Pradesh state has proposed the division of the populous and politically influential state into four parts. 印度北方邦首席部长建议将这个人口稠密的、有政治影响力的州一分为四。 Ms Mayawati said she would table a prop...

  • 利比亚临时领导人首次发表演讲

    11-09-14 The head of the National Transitional Council has delivered his first speech in Libya's capital, Tripoli, since the ousting of Muammar Gaddafi. 卡扎菲被流放之后,利比亚国家过渡委员会首领首次在首都的黎波里发表演讲。 Mustafa Abdul Jalil outlined his p...

  • 美参议员挑战低腰裤

    10-04-04 上世纪90年代开始流行的低腰裤最近受到了一位美国参议员的挑战,他出资2000美元在纽约布鲁克林区的街道上挂出了巨幅广告画,告诫年轻人把裤子提好,这样才能提升自己的形象。这位参议员表示,很多年轻人裤子穿得越来越低,有些甚至低得连内裤都露在外面,他认为这样的...

  • 印度建立特仑甘纳省的支持者发动暴力事件

    09-12-25 The opening day of a two-day strike by the supporters of a new state has brought violence to parts of India's southern Andhra Pradesh state. 印度建立特仑甘纳省支持者举行的两日示威活动的第一天就导致南部安德拉省部分地区发生暴力事件。 The government's...