• 美宇航局拍摄到恒星形成图像

    11-01-14 A new Chandra X-ray Observatory image of Messier 82, or M82, shows the result of star formation on overdrive. At a distance of only 12 million light years, M82 provides a unique cosmic laboratory for studying conditions similar to those that existed...

  • 疑惑:矮星系附近存在超级黑洞

    11-01-10 The surprising discovery of a supermassive black hole in a small nearby galaxy has given astronomers a tantalizing(撩人的,挑逗性的) look at how black holes and galaxies may have grown in the early history of the Universe. Finding a black hole a m...

  • 梅西尔107星团的结构分析

    10-12-09 The globular cluster(球状星团) Messier 107, also known as NGC 6171, is a compact and ancient family of stars that lies about 21 000 light-years away. Messier 107 is a bustling(熙熙攘攘的) metropolis: thousands of stars in globular clusters like...

  • 宇宙中红矮星数量是原观测值的三倍之多

    10-12-02 Astronomers have discovered that small, dim(暗淡的,昏暗的) stars known as red dwarfs are much more prolific(多产的,丰富的) than previously thoughtso much so that the total number of stars in the universe is likely three times bigger than reali...

  • 星际尘埃与气体如何演变成星系

    10-11-23 Astronomers find cosmic dust annoying when it blocks their view of the heavens, but without it the universe would be devoid of(缺乏) stars. Cosmic dust is the indispensable(不可缺少的) ingredient for making stars and for understanding how primor...

  • 天文学家在银河系外首次发现行星

    10-11-19 Over the last 15 years, astronomers have detected nearly 500 planets orbiting stars in our cosmic neighbourhood, but none outside our Milky Way has been confirmed. Now, however, a planet with a minimum mass 1.25 times that of Jupiter has been discov...

  • 水瓶座两个星系正在发生碰撞

    10-11-11 Peace is the curious name given to a pair of interacting and merging galaxies that lie around 220 million light-years away in the constellation(星座,荟萃) of Aquarius. It is also known as NGC 7252 and Arp 226 and is just bright enough to be seen...

  • 具有神秘力量的脉冲星被发现

    10-11-01 Dramatic flares and bursts of energy - activity previously thought reserved for only the strongest magnetized pulsars(脉冲星) - has been observed emanating from(放射,发源于) a weakly magnetised, slowly rotating pulsar. The international team of...

  • 如太阳系一样的星系很普遍

    10-10-31 Nearly one in four stars like the sun could have Earth-size planets, according to a University of California, Berkeley, study of nearby solar-mass stars. UC Berkeley astronomers Andrew Howard and Geoffrey Marcy chose 166 G and K stars within 80 ligh...

  • 银河系正在逐渐增大

    10-10-14 The first galaxies formed before the Universe was less than one billion years old and were much smaller than the giant systems including the Milky Way that we see today. So somehow the average galaxy size has increased as the Universe has evolved. G...