• 开普勒望远镜发现1284颗行星

    16-05-11 Scientists from Princeton University and NASA have confirmed that 1,284 objects observed outside Earths solar system by NASAs Kepler spacecraft are indeed planets. Reported in The Astrophysical Journal on May 10, it is the largest single announcemen...

  • 海淘英语之浏览评价

    16-04-06 4 out of 5 stars 4星评价 Excellent Bag! Worth every penny!! 超棒的包包!物有所值! The zippers are poor quality. 拉链质量好差。 Thumbs up for general quality and warmth. 整体质量和保暖度好评。 It performed as advertised. 和卖家描述得差不多。 Great j...

  • 磁星提高了超亮超新星的爆炸能量

    16-03-27 Calculations by scientists have found highly magnetized, rapidly spinning neutron stars called magnetars could explain the energy source behind two extremely unusual stellar explosions. Stellar explosions known as supernovae usually shine a billion...

  • 《卧虎藏龙II》在北京举行首映式

    16-02-03 The movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon II: The Green Destiny, which stars Donnie Yen and Michelle Yeoh, held its world premiere in Beijing on Monday. 影片《卧虎藏龙II:青冥宝剑》周一在北京举行世界首映式,该片由甄子丹和杨紫琼领衔主演。 Hong Kong Dir...

  • 可怕的东西

    16-01-27 A couple of friends and I were hangin' out one day and we found an Ouija board in one of their basements. It was really nice, not one of those mass produced plastic things, it was made of wood and had intricate carvings all around its base, like moo...

  • 星系震动能改善对暗物质的捕捉

    16-01-08 A trio of brightly pulsating stars at the outskirts of the Milky Way is racing away from the galaxy and may confirm a method for detecting dwarf galaxies dominated by dark matter and explain ripples in the outer disk of the galaxy. This new method t...

  • legacyquel 传帮带系列电影

    16-01-08 Legacyquel is a movie that continues a long-running franchise, in which beloved aging stars reprise classic roles and pass the torch to younger successors. These movies are all about revitalizing old franchises through the notion of legacy. Legacyqu...

  • 有强磁场的恒星很常见

    16-01-05 Using a recently developed technique to detect magnetic fields inside stars, a group of astronomers -- including Matteo Cantiello and Lars Bildsten from UC Santa Barbara's Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) -- has discovered that strong...

  • 银河系中心的古老恒星包含早期宇宙的“指纹”

    15-11-13 An international team of astronomers, led researchers from the University of Cambridge and the Australian National University, have identified some of the oldest stars in our galaxy, which could contain vital clues about the early Universe, includin...

  • 揭开棕矮星的奥秘

    15-11-13 Despite being discovered 20 years ago, very little is known about brown dwarfs - notably why they fail to grow into stars. Scientists say part of the answer probably lies in the physics of how dense plasmas merge inside them. Now researchers, led by...