• spend extravagantly 大手大脚

    21-11-15 如果有人说你是大手大脚[d shǒu d jiǎo]的人,千万别以为他在夸你体格强壮。 大手大脚是一个汉语成语,字面意思是have large hands and feet,实际用来比喻一个人对财务毫不吝惜,花钱没有节制(spend extravagantly),有多少花多少,甚至超支消费(spend more mone...

  • run behind one's expenses 入不敷出

    20-10-22 双十一购物节(Singles Day shopping carnival)将至,不少网友已经摩拳擦掌,准备血拼一...

  • 表达“吃土”的正确姿势

    17-04-19 1. not have a bean 囊中羞涩 (一个豆豆没有,囊肿羞涩) 例句:Most people in the area are unemployed and not have a bean to spend. 这地方的很多人都失业待岗,没钱花。 2. max out my credit card 刷爆了我的信用卡 例句:Shes maxed out three credit cards....

  • 2016中国游客境外消费是美国游客的两倍

    17-04-17 Chinese tourists continued to spend more than any other countrys outbound travelers last year, while more than doubling the spending by their US counterparts, according to data released this week by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNW...

  • The meaning of life

    14-11-24 Life is never just being. It is becoming a relentless, flowing on. Our parents live on through us,and we will live on through our children. The institutions we build endure, and we will endure through them. The beauty we fashion cannot be dimmed by...

  • Heart of a stranger

    14-11-24 The most loved place, for me, in this country has in fact been many places. It has changed throughout the years, as I and my circumstances have changed. I haven't really lost any of the best places from the past, though. I may no longer inhabit them...

  • budget flush 突击花钱

    13-06-09 Budget flush is the use it or lose it spending spree that occurs near the end of the fourth quarter. Budget flush指每年第四季度常见的消费热潮,(预算结余)不花就不是你的了,即突击花钱。 A 'budget flush' means spending your budget before the end of t...

  • Methods of Economy

    10-09-29 The methods of practicing economy(实行节俭) are very simple. Spend less than you earn. That is the first rule. A portion should always be set apart for the future. The person who spends more than he earns, is a fool. The next rule is to pay ready...

  • Technology 'priority for Britons' 大不列颠人将科技支出“放在

    09-08-06 Britons are more willing to cut back on holidays and meals out in the recession than on spending on communication technology, an Ofcom review suggests. Ofcom的调查显示,经济衰退时期,不列颠人在假日和饮食上的花费比通讯技术上的花费减少。 The number of...
