• 濒危物种加湾鼠海豚仍有望免于灭绝

    22-11-28 加湾鼠海豚是世界上最稀有的海洋哺乳动物。一项基因研究显示,这个濒危物种仍有望免于灭绝,尽管野生的加湾鼠海豚总数只剩10来头。 The tiny, silvery porpoise known as the vaquita is facing an existential threat from becoming entangled and killed in fishing...

  • 来认识四对双胞胎幼崽的狐猴爸爸“宙斯”

    22-11-25 This is Zeus the lemur, a busy dad of eight newborn babies. 狐猴 宙斯 是个忙碌的爸爸,它的八只狐猴宝宝刚刚降生。 The rare ring-tailed lemur has fathered four sets of twins with four different partners. 这只稀有的环尾狐猴与四只母狐猴产下了四对双胞胎...

  • 海洋生物

    22-10-18 在地球的海洋深处隐藏着一些奇怪的生物。其中包括寿命长达400年的格陵兰鲨,以及地球上最大的无脊椎动物巨型乌贼。 The ocean covers over 70% of the surface of our planet, though, according to the National Ocean Service, 95% of it remains unexplored. This i...

  • 科学家发现世界最大巨型睡莲品种

    22-07-22 Theyre a marvel of the botanical world giant water lilies dominating the pond in Kew Gardens. 它们是植物界的一个奇迹巨型睡莲布满了邱园的池塘。 But these arent just extraordinary to look at, theyre also a species thats new to science. 但这种巨型睡莲...

  • “已灭绝” 鱼类物种重现生机

    22-05-18 A little-known species with an extraordinary story. The Tequila fish is a small freshwater fish that lives in the rivers and lakes of southwest Mexico. 这是一个鲜为人知的物种,却有着非同一般的故事。高体宗谷鳉是一种小型淡水鱼,生活在墨西哥西南部的河...

  • 气候变化和集约农业影响昆虫数量

    22-04-24 气候变化再一次给人类敲响了警钟,这一次受到末日威胁的是不受待见但人类又离不开的昆虫。新研究发现,在世界部分地区,受气候变暖和劳动密集型农业的影响,昆虫数量已减半。 Insect numbers have plunged by half in some parts of the world due to climate change a...

  • 大型真菌新物种 new macrofungi species

    22-04-06 请看例句: Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences have discovered eight new macrofungi species in south Chinas island province of Hainan. 中国热带农业科学院的研究团队在海南发现了8个大型真菌新物种。 这8个大型真菌新物种...

  • 地球树木种类高出已知数量

    22-03-30 据估计,世界上的树木种类要比人们此前认为的多出 14% ,研究人员称之为首个 科学可信 的评估。经估测,共有 7 万 3300 种树木,研究人员猜测这其中仍有 9200 个树种尚未被发现。 The question of how many species exist on Earth isnt easy to answer, even for tree...

  • 保护海马的生态环境

    22-01-22 These underwater meadows of seagrass provide a vital habitat, teeming with wildlife. 这一片片水下的海草地提供了一个重要的栖息地,野生动植物生长繁盛。 And its where you can find the spiny seahorse. Its a protected species and Studland Bay [UK] is a m...

  • 赤道附近海洋生物多样性有所下降

    21-05-14 The tropics, off the coast of Cuba. For thousands of years, these waters have been one of the hotspots of life in the ocean. But in seas like this near the Earths equator the richness of marine life is shrinking due to climate change. 这是古巴海岸附...