• 大河里的鱼类处于危险之中

    13-05-23 Large-river specialist fishes -- from giant species like paddlefish(白鲟) and blue catfish, to tiny crystal darters and silver chub -- are in danger, but researchers say there is greater hope to save them if major tributaries identified in a Unive...

  • 五百万年前地球上存在14种鳄鱼

    13-05-22 Today, the most diverse species of crocodile are found in northern South America and Southeast Asia: As many as six species of alligator(短吻鳄) and four true crocodiles exist, although no more than two or three ever live alongside one another at...

  • 洪都拉斯发现一种新棕榈蝮蛇

    13-05-20 A new species of green palm-pitviper of the genus Bothriechis is described from a seriously threatened cloud forest reserve in northern Honduras. Because of similarity in color pattern and scalation(鳞) , the new species (Bothriechis guifarroi) wa...

  • 美国东南部火蚁正被入侵蚁种取代

    13-05-17 Invasive crazy ants are displacing fire ants in areas across the southeastern United States, according to researchers at The University of Texas at Austin. It's the latest in a history of ant invasions from the southern hemisphere and may prove to h...

  • 肠道细菌种类影响婴儿成长

    13-05-10 The composition of gut microbiota in a newborn baby's gut has been linked to the rate of early infant growth, reports research published this week in PLOS Computational Biology. The findings support the assertion that the early development of microb...

  • 中国西北部地区发现新品种兽脚类肉食恐龙

    13-05-05 Fossil remains found by a George Washington University biologist in northwestern China have been identified as a new species of small theropod(兽脚类的肉食恐龙) , or meat-eating, dinosaur. The discovery was made by James Clark, the Ronald B. Weint...

  • 某杂交草类可以减少洪水危害

    13-04-27 A collaboration of plant and soil scientists from across the UK has shown a grass hybrid species could help reduce the impact of flooding. The BBSRC-funded scientists, from Rothamsted Research, the James Hutton Institute, Institute of Biological, En...

  • 缨小蜂——柄翅卵蜂的最新代表物种

    13-04-25 Mymaridae, commonly known as fairyflies, are one of about 18 families of chalcid(小蜂) wasps. Fairyflies occur worldwide, except in Antarctica. They include the world's smallest known winged insect -- Kikiki huna, the body length of which is only...

  • 鱼类的生命之树

    13-04-22 Fishes account for over half of vertebrate(脊椎动物的) species, but while groups such as mammals, birds and reptiles have been fairly well understood by scientists for decades, knowledge about relationships among many types of fishes was essential...

  • 飞蛾依靠嗅觉寻找异性

    13-04-17 An international team of researchers, including an entomologist at the University of California, Riverside, has an explanation for why we see so many hybrid(混合的,杂种的) moths in nature. The team closely examined the behavior and the olfactory...