• 雌性青蛙青睐能“多任务化”的雄性

    13-08-19 From frogs to humans, selecting a mate is complicated. Females of many species judge suitors based on many indicators of health or parenting potential. But it can be difficult for males to produce multiple signals that demonstrate these qualities si...

  • 塔希提岛是生物多样性热点地区

    13-08-11 A collaborative biological survey that focused on the insects of French Polynesia has resulted in the discovery of over 100 tiny predatory beetle species in Tahiti, 28 of these species newly described in the open-access journal ZooKeys. The predator...

  • 全球海洋大范围温度上升

    13-08-05 Warming oceans are causing marine species to change breeding times and shift homes with expected substantial consequences for the broader marine landscape, according to a new global study. The three-year research project, funded by the National Cent...

  • 田鳖可在水中捕鱼

    13-08-01 The giant water bug Lethocerus patruelis is the largest European true bug and the largest European water insect. The adult bugs reach an impressive 8 cm in length, and the largest representatives of the same family are even bigger -- up to almost 12...

  • 非洲赤道附近发现新品种鼩鼱

    13-07-25 Scientists at Chicago's Field Museum and international collaborators have described a new species of Hero Shrew -- the mammal with the most bizarre lower spine(脊椎) on Earth. The interlocking vertebrae of the Hero Shrew render the spine four to f...

  • 物种进化是可预测的

    13-07-22 If you could hit the reset button on evolution and start over, would essentially the same species appear? Yes, according to a study of Caribbean lizards by researchers at the University of California, Davis, Harvard University and the University of...

  • 现有措施不足以保护伊比利亚山猫

    13-07-22 Almost 100 million euros has been spent so far on conservation efforts for the last 250 remaining Iberian lynxes in the wild. But the charismatic(超凡魅力的) species is likely to go extinct within 50 years because the current management plans do n...

  • 细菌影响宿主的进化

    13-07-19 You are not just yourself. You are also the thousands of microbes that you carry. In fact, they represent an invisible majority that may be more you than you realize. These microscopic fellow travelers are collectively called the microbiome. Realiza...

  • 坦桑尼亚灵长目种类大调查

    13-07-18 A five-year study by the Wildlife Conservation Society gives new hope to some of the world's most endangered primates by establishing a roadmap to protect all 27 species in Tanzania -- the most primate-diverse country in mainland Africa. The study c...

  • 美国犹他州发现大鼻长角恐龙

    13-07-18 A remarkable new species of horned dinosaur has been unearthed in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, southern Utah. The huge plant-eater inhabited Laramidia, a landmass formed when a shallow sea flooded the central region of North America,...