• 更新的并不总是更好的

    12-09-10 Tiny sea creatures called rhabdopleurids reside on the ocean floor, building homes of collagen(胶原) on the shells of dead clams. Rhabdopleurid colonies are small, and the critters are by no means the dominant animals in their ecosystem. But they...

  • 需要保护的亚洲濒危物种一览

    12-09-06 Will the tiger go the way of the passenger pigeon or be saved from extinction like the American bison? The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) today released a list of Asian species that are at a conservation crossroads calling for governments to ta...

  • 低攻击性可使袋獾免于灭绝

    12-09-05 Evolving to become less aggressive could be key to saving the Tasmanian devil(袋獾) -- famed for its ferocity(凶猛) -- from extinction, research suggests. The species is being wiped out by Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD), a fatal infectious c...

  • 菲律宾发现两新品种猫头鹰

    12-08-20 Two new species of owls have been discovered in the Philippines, and a Michigan State University researcher played a key role in confirming their existence. The discovery, which is featured in the current issue of Forktail, the Journal of Asian Orni...

  • 大西洋中出现入侵性海蛇尾

    12-08-17 Coral Reefs, the Journal of the International Society for Reef Studies, has published online a study co-written by Dr. Gordon Hendler of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHM) about an invasive species of brittle star(海蛇尾) , Oph...

  • 已经绝迹的淡水田螺被重新发现

    12-08-10 A freshwater snail declared extinct in 2000 was recently rediscovered in the Cahaba River by a University of Alabama graduate student. Details of the discovery by Nathan Whelan, a doctoral student in UA's department of biological sciences, will publ...

  • 可持续繁殖鱼类能放心食用

    12-08-03 When ordering seafood, the options are many and so are some of the things you might consider in what you order. Is your fish healthy? Is it safe? Is it endangered? While there are many services and rankings offered to help you decide -- there's even...

  • 北冰洋内出现热带浮游生物

    12-07-25 For the first time, scientists have identified tropical and subtropical species of marine protozoa(原生动物) living in the Arctic Ocean. Apparently, they traveled thousands of miles on Atlantic currents and ended up above Norway with an unusual --...

  • 澳大利亚将塔纳米沙漠划为自然保护区

    12-07-11 Australia has declared more than 10 million hectares of Aboriginal land as its largest conservation zone. 澳大利亚宣布将土著民族超过1000万公顷的土地作为环境保护区。 The southern Tanami Desert in the Northern Territory is home to the country's most e...

  • 气候变化导致某些植物叶片变小

    12-07-05 University of Adelaide researchers have discovered that recent climate change is causing leaves of some Australian plants to narrow in size. The study, which is the first of its kind in the world, highlights that plant species are already responding...