• 太空中发现惰性气体分子

    13-12-13 A molecule containing a noble gas has been discovered in space by a team including astronomers from Cardiff University. The find was made using a Cardiff-led instrument aboard Europe's Herschel Space Observatory. The molecule, argon(氩) hydride(...

  • 太空气象情况不容忽视

    13-12-10 A massive ejection of material from the sun initially traveling at over 7 million miles per hour that narrowly missed Earth last year is an event solar scientists hope will open the eyes of policymakers regarding the impacts and mitigation(减轻,缓...

  • 载人火星之旅有望2017年实现

    13-12-01 Billionaire Dennis Tito, tired of being told that we can't send humans to Mars just yet, on Wednesday revealed his scheme for launching two astronauts to the red planet as early as December 2017. 美国亿万富翁丹尼斯蒂托宣布,他的灵感火星计划最早将在2...

  • 宜居行星在宇宙中分布普遍

    13-11-06 NASA's Kepler space telescope, now crippled and its four-year mission at an end, nevertheless provided enough data to answer its main research question: How many of the 200 billion stars in our galaxy have potentially habitable planets? Based on a s...

  • 星际尘埃之间的相互影响

    13-09-27 For astrophysicists, the interplay of hydrogen -- the most common molecule in the universe -- and the vast clouds of dust that fill the voids of interstellar space has been an intractable puzzle of stellar evolution. The dust, astronomers believe, i...

  • 空间气象可能造成卫星运行故障

    13-09-17 Is your cable television on the fritz(发生故障) ? One explanation, scientists suspect, may be the weather -- the weather in space, that is. MIT researchers are investigating the effects of space weather -- such as solar flares, geomagnetic storms...

  • 古埃及铁工艺品取材于外太空陨石

    13-08-20 Researchers have shown that ancient Egyptian iron beads held at the UCL Petrie Museum were hammered from pieces of meteorites(陨石) , rather than iron ore. The objects, which trace their origins to outer space, also predate the emergence of iron s...

  • 宇宙形成的复杂性

    13-07-27 Complicated statistical behaviour observed in complex systems such as early universe can often be understood if it is broken down into simpler ones. Two physicists, Petr Jizba (currently affiliated with the Czech Technical University in Prague), and...

  • 地球辐射带内存在粒子加速机制

    13-07-26 Scientists have discovered a massive particle accelerator in the heart of one of the harshest regions of near-Earth space, a region of super-energetic, charged particles surrounding the globe called the Van Allen radiation belts. Scientists knew tha...

  • 对早期星系的新认识

    13-07-04 The early galaxies of the universe were very different from today's galaxies. Using new detailed studies carried out with the ESO Very Large Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, researchers, including members from the Niels Bohr Institute, have...