• The deal fell through. 交易没法继续了。

    22-02-22 1、You can count on me! 你可以指望我! 这句话的意思是:You can depend on me(你可以依靠我)。 我是一个值得信赖且负责任的人,会很好地完成任务,做好我承诺过的事情。 需要注意的是,在英语里我们说count on和depend on这个搭配不能用其他的介词,比如in、of或...

  • 关于书的成语和诗句

    22-01-22 博览群书 have read many books;be well-read 例句: 他很聪明,博览群书,并且对艺术很感兴趣。 He was clever, well-read and interested in the arts. 书声朗朗 the sound of reading aloud 书香门第 a family of scholar(s); a literary family 例句: tā chū s...

  • sound somebody out 探口风

    22-01-22 探口风,汉语俗语,意思是探听别人的口气,形容探取对方口中透露出来的讯息,揣摩其含义。可以翻译为sound somebody out或find out somebodys feelings/opinions等。 例句: 关于放假的问题,我要去探探经理的口风。 Ill try to sound out the manager on the question...

  • 响尾蛇为迷惑接近者切换响动频率

    21-09-25 科学家表示,响尾蛇已经进化出一种聪明的方法,让人类误以为危险比他们想象的更近。 The sibilant sound of the rattlesnakes tail has long been a cinematic cliche. 响尾蛇尾巴发出的嘶嘶声早已是大银幕上的常用套路。 That tell-tale rattle is made by the rapid...

  • Sounds good. 还行,一般般。

    21-07-19 表面上说,听起来不错。实际含义: 还行,一般般。 这里得强调,good表示还行、一般般,没有强烈肯定的意味。 -How about his plan? - Sound good. -他的计划怎么样? -还行吧。...

  • someone likes the sound of their own voice 以自我为中心,滔

    21-06-15 表达 someone likes the sound of their own voice 某人喜欢自己的声音 幽默地描述了一个人总是以自我为中心,不让他人讲话,自己滔滔不绝,喋喋不休。这个表达含贬义,暗示此人认为自己的观点比其他人的都重要。 例句 My teacher really likes the sound of his own v...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 31

    21-05-07 Henry Crawford was at Mansfield Park again the next morning, and at an earlier hour than common visiting warrants. The two ladies were together in the breakfast-room, and, fortunately for him, Lady Bertram was on the very point of quitting it as he...

  • to sound hoarse 声音嘶哑

    21-04-12 在嗓子痛或喉咙发炎时,人们说话的声音往往不如平时那样清晰有力,甚至连说话都会感到非常吃力。英语表达 to sound hoarse 可以形容一个人的 嗓音微弱而嘶哑。 例句 Have you got a cold, Liz? You sound a bit hoarse. 你感冒了,莉兹?你的声音听起来有点沙哑。 I ne...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 30

    21-02-24 How long she stood there staring fearfully at the empty window of the shed, Mary Thorne had no idea. She seemed frozen and incapable of movement. But at last, with a shiver, she came to herself, and bending out, drew in the heavy wooden, shutters an...

  • hang up lanterns and put up decorations 张灯结彩

    21-02-18 春节临近,大街小巷张灯结彩,家家户户都洋溢着浓浓的年味。张灯结彩,汉语成语,意思是张挂彩灯、彩带等,形容场面喜庆、热闹。可以翻译为be decorated with lanterns and colored streamers,hang up lanterns and put up decorations。 例句: 街头到处张灯结彩,锣...