• like father, like son 有其父必有其子

    22-03-23 有其父必有其子,汉语成语,字面意思是有什么样的父亲就会有什么样的儿子,表示孩子的行为举止通常与父母相似(a child usually behaves in a similar way to his or her parent(s)),含有贬义。 与英文谚语like father, like son意思相近,表示a sons character or b...

  • 与“父亲”相关的英文习语

    22-03-07 Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。 John is as smart as his father. Like father, like son. 约翰和他的父亲一样精明。有其父,必有其子嘛。 father-figure 长者,父亲般的人物 Perhaps they need the guiding hand of a firm father figure. 也许他们需要一个...

  • 虎父无犬子

    22-02-07 虎年就要到了,来学几个和虎有关的词语吧!虎父无犬子,字面意思是a tiger father will not beget a dog son,比喻出色的父母生出的孩子也会很优秀,常用于夸奖别人的子辈。可以翻译为there will be no laggard among the children of a brave or talented man。 例句...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 8

    21-11-29 In spite of Udolpho and the dressmaker, however, the party from Pulteney Street reached the Upper Rooms in very good time. The Thorpes and James Morland were there only two minutes before them; and Isabella having gone through the usual ceremonial o...

  • The Son and the Picture of a Lion 儿子和狮子的照片

    21-10-04 Once upon a time, there lived a very timid-minded father in a town. He was always worried that his son might get hurt. The son was brave and loved hunting, but his father prevented his son from hunting everyday. 从前,小镇上有一位非常胆小的父亲。他...

  • 小天使们的伤心故事 下

    21-06-02 In recent news, a man had entered into an electrified swimming pool to save his daughter and subsequently died from electrocution. His daughter survived. 最近有个新闻,有个男人进到一个通了电的游泳池去救他的女儿,随后他就触电死亡,但是他的女儿活下来...

  • “能不能把飞机叫回来?”

    21-05-07 日前,为救助一名断臂男孩,为他赢得黄金时间接臂,新疆和田机场最后一班飞往乌鲁木齐的南航航班延后起飞,返回廊桥二次开门。医护、机组、机场和101名乘客通力协作,开展了一场与时间赛跑的紧急抢救。 The airliner CZ6820 was being guided down the runway on April...

  • spendthrift 败家子

    20-09-05 败家子,汉语词语,指任意挥霍家产的不成器的子弟(a prodigal son squandering the family fortune),可以翻译为 spendthrift ,表示a person who spends improvidently or wastefully。 例句: 败家子习气 spendthrift style 我妈妈告诫我,不要与败家子结婚。 My m...