• 坦桑尼亚拘捕20多名刚果士兵

    11-11-08 More than 20 Congolese soldiers have been detained in Tanzania for illegally entering the north-west of the country, Tanzania's army has said. 坦桑尼亚军方称,20多名刚果士兵因非法进入坦桑尼亚西北部地区而被拘捕。 They said they were pursuing rebels f...

  • Good News and Bad News 好消息和坏消息

    11-09-20 The soldiers had been marching and fighting, they were dirty, hot and tired. One day, the general announced: My men, I have some good news and some bad news for you. Which one would you like first? The good news! they all shouted. OK, said the Gener...

  • 中世纪重型盔甲消耗战士过多能量

    11-07-20 The French may have had a better chance at the Battle of Agincourt had they not been weighed down by heavy body armour, say researchers. A study published today in Proceedings of the Royal Society B shows that soldiers carrying armour in Medieval ti...

  • 充气娃娃竟是希特勒发明

    11-07-17 近日一名作家在探寻芭比娃娃起源时发现了一个惊天内幕:二战时期希特勒为了遏制性病在军中传播蔓延,就定制了50个充气性玩具。这些金发碧眼的充气娃娃用硅胶作为原材料,并可随身携带。 Adolf Hitler (right) ordered sex dolls after Heinrich Himmler (left) said it...

  • 英国电话窃听事件升级

    11-07-09 默多克集团旗下的《世界新闻报》电话窃听事件升级。据称,在伊拉克和巴基斯坦战争中阵亡士兵家属可能是窃听目标。 The bereaved(丧失的) relatives of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan may have had their phones hacked by a private investigator working...

  • What soldiers? 什么士兵?

    11-06-19 Wife: Dear! Take a look at those soldiers gawking at the lovely young girl passing by. Husband: Soldiers? What soldiers? 妻子:亲爱的!快看那些士兵,他们看经过的那位漂亮女郎都看得发呆了。 丈夫:士兵?什么士兵?...

  • 苏丹阿比射击事件是“战争的借口”

    10-10-13 Shooting on Monday night by northern Sudan soldiers was an attempt to start clashes in the oil-rich region of Abyei, southern former rebels say. 苏丹前南方造反派称,北方军队周一晚上的射击案是准备在富含石油的阿比郡制造冲突的尝试。 Joint north-south u...

  • 两名法国士兵在阿富汗身亡

    10-08-24 Two French soldiers were killed and three more have been wounded in fighting in Afghanistan, President Nicolas Sarkozy's office has said. 法国总统办公室称,近日在阿富汗的一场战斗中,两名法国士兵身亡、三人受伤。 The deaths bring the total number of F...

  • 查尔斯王子将参加弗隆美尔战役阵亡士兵重葬仪式

    10-07-19 The last remains of scores of British and Australian World War I troops recovered from mass graves will be reburied in northern France later. 一战期间英国和澳大利亚部队许多士兵遗体被从乱葬岗中挖掘出来,并将被重新葬于发过北部。 Prince Charles and rel...

  • 阿富汗六名外国士兵被杀

    10-01-12 Six international soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, Nato officials say, making Monday the deadliest day for foreign troops there in two months. 北约官员称,六名多国士兵在阿富汗被杀,使星期一成为近两月以来外国军队死亡最多的一天。 The US is du...